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Friday, March 29, 2024

Nadi Shodhana Pranayama steps benefits and precautions

 My dear friends welcome to you in this blog post. Today I told you about Nadi shodhna Pranayama.

What is Nadi shodhna Pranayama 

Nadi shodhna Pranayama also known as alternate nostril breathing, is a breathing technique commonly practiced in Yoga. Nadi means energy channel and shodhana means purification in Sanskrit . This Pranayama involves breathing through one nostril while blocking the other nostril alternately. It is believed to balance the flow of prana in the body,calm the mind, reduce stress and improve mental clarity and focus. It is also considered helpful for people with respiratory issues,as it can help regulate breathing.

Nadi Shodhana Pranayama steps, benefits and precautions, what is Nadi shodhna Pranayama, Nadi shodhna Pranayama steps, Nadi Shodhna Pranayama benefits.

Steps of Nadi shodhna Pranayama

Here are the steps  for practicing Nadi shodhna Pranayama-

1. Sit in a comfortable seated position with your spine straigth and your shoulders relaxed . You can sit on a cushions or block if that helps.

2. Please your left hand on your left knee ,  palm facing up and bring your right hand up to your nose. Make sure  your right hand is positioned so that  thumb can close your right nostril and your index and middle fingers can close your left nostril.

3. Begin by inhaling deeply through both nostril.

 4.  Using your right hand close your right nostril with your right Thumb and exahale slowly and fully through your left nostril.

5. Keeping your right nostril closed, inhale slowly and deeply through your left nostril.

6.  When your inhalation  is complete, close your left nostril with your index and middle fingers and release your right nostril.

7. Exhale slowly and fully through your right nostril .

8. Keeping your left nostril closed, inhale slowly and deeply through your right nostril. 

9. When your inhalation is complete, close your right nostril with your thumb, and release your left nostril.

 10. Exhale slowly and fully through your left nostril.

 11. That complete one round. Repeat for 5- 10 rounds, or 4 as long as you are comfortable . 

I hope this helps let me know if you have any other questions.

Benefits of Nadi shodhna Pranayama

There are several benefits to practicing Nadi shodhna Pranayama-

 1. Calms the mind 

This practice helps to calm the Mind by balancing the flow of air and energy between the two nostrils. This helps to reduce anxiety, stress and other emotional disturbances.

2. Purify the nadis

 The practice of Nadi shodhna Pranayama helps to purify the energy channels in the body , also known as nadis. By clearing blockages in these channels. It helps to improve the flow of Prana or life force energy in the body.

3. Regulates The Breath

This practice helps to regulate the breath, making it slower and deeper. This is beneficial for those who suffer from respiratory problems like asthma.

4. Enhances mental clarity 

By regulating the breath and calm the mind, this practice helps to improve mental clarity and focus.

5. Balances the body

 The practice of Nadi shodhna Pranayama is said to balance the two main energy channels in the body known as Ida and pingla. This helps to balance the masculine and feminine aspects of the body, promoting overall health and wellbeing.

Overall Nadi shodhna Pranayama is a highly beneficial practice for improving physical, mental and emotional health.

Precaution of Nadi Shoshana Pranayama 

Although Nadi shodhna Pranayam is generally safe for most people, there are  a few precaution that should be kept in mind.

Do not force they breath

 It is important to remember that Pranayama should be practiced with ease and comfort. Do not force the breath or strain the body during the practice.

Start slowly

 If you are new to Pranayama start slowly and gradually increase the duration and intensity of The Practice overtime.

Avoid if suffering from certain medical conditions

 Individuals  suffering from low blood pressure, heart disease, or any other medical condition should consult with a doctor before practicing Nadi shodhna Pranayama.


 Women should avoid practicing Nadi shodhna pranayama during menstruations.


 Pregnant women should consult with a doctor before practicing Nari shodhana Pranayama and should avoid holding The Breath for extended periods.

Discontinue if experiencing discomfort 

If you experience any discomfort or pain during the practice, discontinue immediately and consult with a yoga teacher or doctor.

Overall practicing Nadi shodhna Pranayama with proper technique, patience and awareness can be safe and highly beneficial.

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