Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Naturopathy, Bandha, Meditation, Disease, Yogi,

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Breakfast is a curse

 Breakfast is a curse

My dear friends, many doctors in the western countries have proved that the body does not need breakfast. Breakfast is a curse for your health.

Breakfast is a curse, Giving up breakfast A boon for students , Benefits to intellectuals by giving up breakfast,

Dr. Paul C. Bag looked like a full grown man at the age of 10 and at such a long age he took up horse riding and mountaineering. He takes a bath in the sea every day. He fasts for 24 to 36 hours a week and four times a year, in which each fast is from one week to ten days. Thus, he fasts for 90-100 days in a year. In the remaining days, he mostly eats fruits and salads and a small amount of food, that too 4-5 times a week.

Breakfast is a curse

Dr. Bag is against breakfast. He says. I believe that we do not use the energy we get after sleeping at night properly. We do a grave injustice to it. We use this divine energy in digesting breakfast.  The physical, mental or spiritual energy gained while sleeping at night is very valuable in the morning and can be utilized to accomplish great tasks.

Giving up breakfast

A boon for students

I have conducted experim

ents on students from primary to post graduates. I found that students who studied in the morning on an empty stomach progressed rapidly and gained the best knowledge and information. Students who ate very light and liquid food during the day and had a full meal at night, slept well immediately after eating. After sleeping soundly, when they wake up in the morning, they are full of energy and agility. I have propagated this method among thousands of students across the world and they have benefited greatly from it.

Benefits to intellectuals by giving up breakfast

By adopting this method, the efficiency of work of musicians, artists, writers and craftsmen has increased. After having breakfast, the brain becomes lethargic and weak because the energy of the body is engaged in digestion from the morning itself. We have to understand this fact very well.

Some people say that breakfast is very necessary and they justify their opinion by arguing that after breakfast they are filled with energy, with the help of which they work throughout the day.  But this belief is completely wrong and unscientific. There may be mental satisfaction after having a full stomach with breakfast but gaining strength is just an illusion. The question is from where and how did those people get the strength? The food eaten takes a lot of time to digest and after going through many processes, finally it reaches the body's cells.

Morning time is fixed by nature for cleaning the body. Hence nothing should be eaten at this time.

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