Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Naturopathy, Bandha, Meditation, Disease, Yogi,

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Commercialisation of naturopathy

Commercialisation of naturopathy, naturopathy hospital, hospital management

Commercialisation of naturopathy

Differing with his own naturo-path doctor, Dr. Mehta of Poona Nature Cure Clinic, where after his historic fast against communal and real treatment by the elements like water, earth, sun, air etc. alongwith ideal diet. Indeed, one wished that Gandhiji should have Award, Gandhiji recouped his health, because it was both in set-up and practice not viable for the poor people in India. Gandhiji started his own nature cure hospital in a rural'area viz. Urlikanchan. He sent ardent and zealous advocates of genuine naturopathy to develop it along his own idea of self- reliance in health Missionary like, Sri Balkoba Bhave, the younger brother of Acharya Vinoba Bhave, Sri Kishanchand etc. pioneered this work and strove for years to build it up into an ideal hospital to cater to the needs of the poor folk in villages around. It was a great experiment in providing inexpensive treatment with all possible products from the lands cultivated. There too was tried many of his notions on environmental hygiene, use- of natural manure lived longer to mould it into the ideal institution which he conceived and thus be made an instrument to serve the millions who need it badly. But, then, like all his other great ideas of re-constructing the country after it was freed from enslavery and im- poverishment, this also lost its vigour and vitality with his sudden demise. The whole concept got distorted, degenerated and disabused so that today it is a mere caricature of a grand plan for self-sufficient and self-reliant health-welfare in free India.

It is with great dismay that people in general and Gandhian workers specially, view such devia- tions in approach and in effect as are conspicuously now a days in naturopathy. Perhaps,, this can be explained away as a general phenomenon with the changing world of science and business. Or to quote a poet, "for life goes not backward nortarries with yesterday.. Even Gandhiji, they may argue, would have to reconcile with the changes and demands of a dynamic time. Anyhow, analysing the unsavoury developments, one can unmistakably point at the growing professionalism profit-motive, machinisation, artificialities, imitation of other systems, emphasis on government aid and support, lack of self-reliance and pandering publicity. All of them cumulatively have definiely destroyed the original purpose of Gandhiji in espousing the cause of naturoathy. More than all; Gandhiji advocated this is system as a part of his large plan of self-reliance of this country in its re-building after achieving freedom. And then he wanted it for "the daridranarayan,. the poorest of the poor and the lowest in the society. He zealously preached and practised it as he considered it a part of his philosophy of "Man Vs Mammon & Machine.." By the deviations delineated, we have, to say the least, denied his fundamental idea, since man is again debased.

Exponents of naturopathy vociferously argue that it is inexpensive. But that is exactly what it is today disproving. The hospitals, clinics and centres are gradually slipping into the abyss whence Gandhiji salvaged them by his strong plea for free service. Professional doctors in these healing centres have nothing to distinguish them from other healers. Money remains the incentive for them too. Service spirit and. experience are less valued than degrees and diplomas for curing diseases. Mechanical instruments like magnet are replacing the simple aids of natural elements which Gandhiji gave emphasis on. Catering to rich is the criterion for status of doctors and fame of the hospital. Business magnates have cleverly converted, naturopathy also as one of their trade devices. Looking to Government aid and support, the very spirit of voluntary service is systematically destroyed. The basic principle of health self-reliance is given a go-bye. The stark fact remains naturopathy is slipping fast into the hands of the rich or the organised mechanism of government.

First and foremost step should be the simpli- fication of naturopathy and shedding all the luxurious trappings and tussels it has acquired in the interest of the rich and the fashion-mad urban people. It is intended more for the simple rural folk who live and work in nature. In fact it is more a health education in natural life than an elaborate process of treatment. Secondly it should stress on self- reliance. Government grants and other aid should be for the bare necessities; lest its bureaucratic tentacles would strangle the spirit of service and breed professionalism, nepotism and other evils, so remnant in other systems. It should guard against business motive creeping into it. More than all service-spirit should actuate its propagation and promotion/Competition with other systems of medicine is futile and foolish in a fast advancing world the complexities and the consequences of which are too horrifyingly projected in the urban areas. Naturopathy is essentially a call for "Back to Nature. Hence at the most it can be a complement to the quick-relief measures of other systems of medicine. Add to these is the fact that Naturopathy heals the man in total, physically, psychologically, mentally and spiritually as Gandhiji desired. It is not a superficial attention to the physically visible ills but aims at a total overhauling of man to keep him in tune with nature.

In any plan for health welfare of the people, these essential should be borne in mind. Otherwise, it will also turn another item for recording colossal expenditure on unessentials just to, derive satisfaction that in terms of figures, much has been done. Indeed, it should be based on voluntary and people's level approach so that' every village will take the initiative' for providing health Welfare, mass education, healthy living and it becomes a primary, part of the total effort for village self-reliance, and 'lelf- 'government. For, Hind Swaraj of Gandhiji' can be a reality only in the complete self government of the real villages in this country.

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