Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Naturopathy, Bandha, Meditation, Disease, Yogi,

Friday, June 21, 2024

Cure of diseases without medicine

Cure withthout medicine, Fever, Intestinal Fever, Headache, Spleen, Dental diseases,Nervous pain, Asthma Disease,Vata disease, Eye diseases.

 Cure of diseases without medicine

Just as diseases arise in the human body due to irregular activities, similarly God has created ways to become healthy without medicine through internal activities. We do not know this natural skill given by God, due to which we suffer from diseases for a long time and unnecessarily give money to doctors. While travelling around the country, I had learnt ways to cure diseases without medicine from Siddha Yogi Mahatmas, later I tested them many times and saw their direct results; therefore, with the aim of benefiting the general public, I am revealing some of those ways. Readers can get direct results by using the below mentioned ways. By using these ways, neither will one have to bear the pain of disease for a long time, nor will one have to spend money and nor will one have to fill one's stomach with medicines. Once a person becomes healthy with this skill mentioned in Swara Shastra, then there is no possibility of that disease attacking again. I request the readers to try it.


When there is an attack of fever or there is a possibility of an attack, the nostril through which breathing is taking place should be closed. Until the fever subsides and the body becomes healthy, that nostril should be kept closed. By doing this, the fever which used to subside in ten to fifteen days will definitely subside in five to seven days. During fever, one gets even faster relief by always meditating on the white colour like silver in the mind.

By tying the root of Sinduwar to the hand of the patient, all types of fever are definitely cured.

Intestinal Fever

A bundle of white Aparajita or Palash leaves should be made by rubbing them in the hand and wrapping them i n a cloth and on the day when it is the turn of fever, one should start smelling it from the morning itself. Antaria fever will stop.


In case of headache, the elbows of both hands should be tied tightly with the edge of the dhoti or a rope. This will remove the headache within five to seven minutes. The elbows should be tied so tightly that the patient feels extreme pain in the hands. As soon as the headache is relieved, the arms should be opened.

There is another type of headache, which is generally called 'hemicrania' or 'hagiarchic'. Extreme pain is felt from the middle of the skull to the left or right half of the skull and forehead. Usually this pain starts at sunrise and increases as the day progresses. It starts decreasing after noon and usually does not remain till evening. When this disease attacks, a rope should be tied tightly on the elbow of the side of the skull on which the pain is felt, as mentioned above. The pain will subside in a short while and the disease will go away. If the pain starts again the next day and it starts every day while breathing through the same nostril, then as soon as the headache is felt, that nostril should be closed and the hand should also be tied. You will be amazed to see the amazing results of this action in 'hemicrania' headache.


A patient suffering from headache should drink cold water through the nostrils as soon as he gets up from bed in the morning. This will keep the brain cool, the head will not become heavy and there will be no cold. This process is not very difficult either. Fill a vessel with cold water and dip the nose in it and slowly draw the water into the throat.

With practice this process will become easy. When there is headache, the doctor gives up the hope of the patient's recovery, the patient also suffers a lot; but by using this method, there will definitely be benefits beyond expectations. Abdominal pain, indigestion etc.

Whenever food, snacks etc. are to be eaten, they should be eaten while breathing through the right nostril. By eating food daily with this rule, it will be digested very easily and one will never suffer from indigestion. If the people suffering from this disease also eat food daily according to this rule, then the food eaten will be digested and gradually their disease will be cured. After eating, one should sleep on the left side for a while. Those who do not have time should adopt such a method that breathing continues through the right nostril for ten to fifteen minutes after eating. That is, according to the above rule, the left nostril should be closed with cotton. Even if the food is heavy, it gets digested quickly with this rule.

By sitting steadily and meditating on the navel by focusing the gaze on the navel, abdominal disease gets cured in a week.

By holding the breath and pulling the navel and joining the navel gland with the spine one hundred times, all kinds of abdominal pains like ama etc. go away and the gastric fire and digestive power increase.


After sleeping on the bed at night and while getting up in the morning, hands and feet should be curled and then left. Then, by turning the body sometimes on one side and sometimes on the other, the whole body should be curled and then curled and stretched. By doing this for four to five minutes every day, spleen-liver disease will be cured. By practicing this regularly, one will never have to suffer from spleen-liver disease.

Dental diseases

Every day, as many times as you pass stool or urine, keep pressing the two rows of teeth together with a little force. As long as stool or urine is coming out, teeth should be pressed together in this manner. By doing this for two to four days, the roots of weak teeth will become strong. By practicing this regularly, the roots of teeth become strong and the teeth serve for a long time and there is no fear of any kind of disease in the teeth.

 Nervous pain

Chest, back or armpit - wherever there is nervous pain or any other kind of pain, as soon as the pain is felt, the nostril through which you are breathing should be closed; after two to four minutes the pain will definitely subside.

Asthma or Respiratory Disease

When there is a severe attack of asthma, the nostril through which you are exhaling should be closed and breathing should be done through the other nostril. The intensity will reduce in ten to fifteen minutes. By doing this daily, the pain will subside within a month. The longer this process is done in a day, the sooner this disease will be cured. There is no disease as painful as asthma; by doing this process when asthma is severe, the disease gets cured without any medicine.

  Vata disease

After having food daily, the head should be combed. The comb should be used in such a way that its bristles touch the head. After that, one should sit in Veerasan, that is, bending both the legs backwards and pressing them, for 15 minutes. By sitting in this manner after having food daily, no matter how old the Vata is, it will definitely get cured. There is no harm in eating paan-tobacco while sitting in this manner. If a healthy person follows this rule, then there will be no possibility of him getting Vata disease. Needless to say, one should not use a rubber comb.

Eye diseases

As soon as you get up from bed every morning, first of all, fill your mouth with as much water as you can and then wash your eyes with the other water by splashing it twenty times.

While washing your hands and face after having food twice a day, you should splash water on your eyes at least seven times.

Do not forget to wash your eyes and mouth as many times as you pour water in your mouth.

While doing oil massage every day during bathing, first of all, fill the nails of the big toes of both feet with oil and then apply the oil.

These few rules are especially beneficial for the eyes. They sharpen the vision, keep the eyes smooth and there is no possibility of any disease in the eye. Eyes are the greatest wealth of man. Therefo

re, one should never be lazy in following the rules every day.

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