Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Naturopathy, Bandha, Meditation, Disease, Yogi,

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

how to cure male infertility

 how to cure male infertility

My dear friends , There is no bigger misconception about naturopathy, natural diet or aphrodisiacs than that it reduces a person's sexual power or that many impotent people have achieved rejuvenation by becoming aphrodisiacs and are living happy lives.

how to cure male infertility  Male  infertility kya hai

Drinking water is the simplest and surest way to make a person healthy. Many young men and women, middle-aged men and women suffer from various types of sexual problems, due to which their wrong eating habits also contribute. Many diseases like restlessness of mind, despair, weakness, premature ejaculation, loss of libido, loss of interest, dysfunction in sexual organs, inability to control sexual desire, nightmares etc. can be benefited by adopting bad diet. In yoga and naturopathy, diet is considered to be of three types: Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic. There is a detailed description of this subject in Geeta also. There is a misconception spread in the society that non-vegetarian food like eggs, meat, fish etc. are aphrodisiacs. That is why sensual people have special attraction towards non-vegetarian food and alcohol. In fact it is rajasic food. When the throat is rotten, it comes under the category of Tamasic food. This type of diet is suitable for today's lazy, laborless, stressed people.

Life is not able to give sexual pleasure to those who live for long. That is why nowadays many types of medicines are available in the market in the name of increasing sexual power and are sold in abundance, but it seems better not to comment about how much benefit they provide and for how many days. Often people are seen becoming depressed and sick due to this diet system. Even if the person consuming this type of rajasic diet is physically healthy, he does not have control over his sexual urges, hence there is a danger of becoming an adulterer. Today, rape, misconduct, unnatural sex, homosexuality, extramarital sex, various types of crimes etc. are increasing. If we investigate such criminals, their diet will definitely be found to be rajasic and tamasic and they will be found lacking in satvik tendencies.

Natural food system or non-vegetarian food is considered as satvik food. This diet not only cures many types of physical and mental problems like impotence, dysfunction of sexual organs, weakness or deformity, despair, premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission, various diseases related to menstruation in women, lack of ability to conceive, miscarriage, disinterest in sex or fear etc. Faults are removed, but the ability to control oneself or self-control also increases, due to which the person easily stops the tendencies of misconduct and crime. A non-consumer is fully sexually capable but also restrained. Therefore, whenever there is a need for sexual intercourse, he enjoys full sexual pleasure but does not remain incontinent, does not always suffer from sexual thirst.

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