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Thursday, June 13, 2024

How to Do Meditation, precautions and benefits

How to Do Meditation, precautions and benefits, benefits of meditation, precautions in meditation, procedure of meditation.

What is Meditation  

The state of continuous flow of divine sound consciousness is called meditation. In this state the mind remains away from all worldly thoughts and options. Divine power and divine thoughts always remain present in the mind.

The seventh step of yoga is meditation. What yogis call meditation, knowledgeable people call it Nididhyasana and devotees call it bhajan.

How to do meditation

Sit in Sukhasana, Padmasana or Siddhasana in a secluded place. While contemplating on Sakar Brahma, recite stotras and shlokas for ten minutes. This will elevate the mind. Take your mind off the subjects. Now the mind will become calm, concentrated, pure and subtle. Meditate on the eternal soul through this trained and disciplined mind. Do not allow any other thought to enter your mind. Try for this again and again, then the mind will gradually become God-oriented. When meditation becomes serious and steady, then it will become easy and natural. You will ultimately be situated in Brahman.

What happens in meditation

In meditation the mind starts moving towards spiritual consciousness. Thoughts become quiet. Only the thought of 'Aham Brahmasmi' remains. When this thought also disappears, then the state of effortless non-duality i.e. Nirvikalpa Samadhi is achieved and the mind gets absorbed in Brahma.

some useful instructions for meditation

Brahma is pure, hence to meditate on Brahma your mind should be pure. Purify the mind through pranayama, chanting, service and charity.

To achieve success in meditation, it is necessary to live in a virtuous environment. Stay at satvik places, eat only satvik food, speak only satvik words and give importance to satvik thoughts only.

Apart from this, it is also necessary to keep the mind free from worries. For this, go into solitude sometimes and stop your activities.

It is better to practice meditation in Brahma muhurta. It is necessary to practice meditation at fixed time and regularly. With this your mindset will easily become conducive to meditation.

Do not let your eyes and brain get stressed during meditation.

,Don't fight with the mind. To tame it, let it do whatever it wants for a short period of time. Then it will tire itself due to its agility.

,Keep developing renunciation and satvik qualities like patience, constant endeavor, kindness, love, forgiveness and purity in yourself every day, because these qualities are helpful in the practice of meditation.

Reasons for failure in meditation

If a meditator contemplates divine thoughts for ten minutes and then gets engrossed in worldly thoughts for ten minutes, he will never be able to attain divine consciousness. Remain absorbed only in contemplation of divine thoughts. Then you will definitely attain God realization.

meditation and action

There should be a balance between meditation and action. Meditate and also perform actions as per the scriptures. Whenever you get the opportunity, after completing your work, stay in solitude with detachment and meditate. This is the state of balance.

benefits of meditation

Meditation works as a powerful medicine. In the state of meditation, the divine power emanating from the feet of the Lord keeps flowing towards the seeker. As a result of meditating in Brahma muhurta, the mind remains calm throughout the day, the mind becomes free from distractions and all the functions of the body get filled with divine and spiritual thought waves.

Pure thoughts are acquired through meditation. All your doubts are eliminated. Then you yourself know where to take the next step on the spiritual ladder. A mysterious inner voice starts guiding you.

Reaching the pinnacle of knowledge of one's nature, attaining the consciousness of the ultimate truth and merging of living consciousness into universal soul-consciousness is realization or self-realization.

Completely transforming one's animal nature, transcending human nature and awakening latent powers - this is the process of realization. Realization is achieved through moral development, self-analysis, self-purification, meditation, selfless love and service to living beings, right speech and right conduct.

interview through meditation

By practicing meditation, all the instincts dissolve. Then the soul appears automatically. This is the situation of interview or self-realization.

Pratibhagyan is the only means of interviewing. Thinking and meditating on 'Who am I' opens the doors to epiphany.

If you continuously meditate on the soul with a pure heart, you can attain salvation or bliss.

Conscious mental repetition of a single thought-point is meditation. When this process of the seeker is completed then he enters that state in which the meditator and the goal become one. This is the stage of interview.

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