Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Naturopathy, Bandha, Meditation, Disease, Yogi,

Friday, June 28, 2024

The science of pranayama procedure and benefits

 My dear friends today I told you about procedure, benefits and precautions of pranayama .If you want to live, learn Pranayam too.

The science of pranayama procedure and benefits, Why is pranayam necessary?Where to do Pranayama?When to do Pranayama?How to do Pranayama?

Practice of PranaYam is said to be the best way to attain the highest state of health. It is a unique means of strengthening our life by uniting it with nature.

We all know that air is our life. A man can survive for some time without food and water, but without breathing, he cannot live for more than a few minutes. When we breathe, the air passes through our nostrils into the windpipe and from there into the lungs. The oxygen present in this air is the basis of our life and life. If there is no oxygen in the air, our life will end. Any object burns only when it is combined with oxygen and life is the name of burning slowly.

All the fibers of our body gradually come in contact with oxygen, due to which many tissues keep burning and getting destroyed continuously. Their destruction is good for us.  Heat is generated in the body due to this burning and the body temperature is maintained.

Diseases like cold, cough, pneumonia, pleurisy, influenza, nose diseases, throat diseases, voice box diseases and tuberculosis etc. arise due to disturbance in breathing process. A person who does pranayam makes his respiratory organs strong due to which these diseases do not come to him.

Benefits of Pranayama

(1) The lungs become strong.

(2) Their flexibility increases.

(3) More heat increases in the body, which benefits the body.

(4) More and more oxygen reaches the lungs and from there to the whole body.

(5) The more oxygen goes in, the more carbon dioxide also goes out. This removes the dirt from the body quickly and the body becomes clean, pure and disease-free. The wear and tear of the body's cells due to excessive physical exertion, the chemical changes that occur, are compensated by the large amount of oxygen taken through Pranayama.

(6) Pranayama also has an interesting effect on the inner nervous system of the brain. The brain becomes sharp by becoming pure. Brain disorders are cured.  Many dormant powers of the brain are awakened.

(7) Pranayama develops the pituitary gland and pineal gland.

(8) Apart from respiratory organs, Pranayama also cures ear, tongue, eye and throat diseases.

(6) The air we inhale contains 21% oxygen. The air we exhale contains 16% oxygen. This shows that in every breath we are able to expend only five percent oxygen for the body. More oxygen can be supplied to the body through the actions of Pranayama.

(10) Pranayama supplies blood to the brain. Due to this, the brain becomes inactive for a while and it gets rest and leisure.

(11) Pranayam helps in gaining control over the nervous system. Basically, pranayam prevents nervous symptoms and diseases.

(12) Pranayam can be done only when the mental disorders are removed. In this way, the person doing pranayam is successful in removing his mental disorders as well.

(13) Pranayam can be done only by those who do not consume tobacco and alcohol. Pranayam does not give any benefit without completely giving up cigarettes, bidis, alcohol etc.

Pranayam is scientifically proven

People influenced by western culture used to consider pranayam as a baseless imagination, but it has been proved by scientific tests that 'pranayam' is the best method for maintaining health and preventing diseases.

Why is pranayam necessary?

 Saint-Shiromani Maa Yog Shakti has rightly written in her book 'ShratmaVidya' - "Pranayama is a kind of exercise of respiratory activities, therefore Pranayama should be done in clean air in the morning. Nowadays in the machine-filled industrial world, most of the people do not get clean air. People's lives have become busy and artificial. Most of the people are always in a hurry and nervous. This has a bad effect on the heart and lungs. We are never able to take a deep and full breath while being in the midst of work. Breathing is often incomplete and hurried. Some people are in a hurry to go to office, some are in a hurry to catch a bus, some are in a hurry to go to school. In a way, everyone lives a life of fear, nervousness and mental stress. Often a person has to do many such works in which he has to remain bent for many hours. Bending forward puts pressure on the lungs. The lungs are not able to expand and contract completely. Doing such work for a long time causes weakness in the lungs.  Digestive power also starts to weaken. Therefore, you will see that pranayama is not only beneficial for everyone, but is also necessary.

Where to do Pranayama?

Pranayama should be done in pure air only. Pranayama should not be done in a place polluted by dust, smoke, dirt, foul smell etc. Forest, garden, river, lawn, clean room, roof of a house etc. are best for Pranayama. Pranayama should not be done where there is strong wind, storm, thunderstorm etc. Pranayama should be done in a clean room; but bright windows etc. should be open. Pranayama should be done on the ground, on a stool or on a wooden board; not while sitting on a cot, bed or chair. The place for Pranayama should be quiet and secluded.

When to do Pranayama?

The best time for this is morning. After defecation, cleaning and bathing, wear loose clothes and spread a Kusha mat or blanket or mat. Pranayama should be done while sitting in Padmasana, Siddhasana or Sukha-Sana.  While sitting, the spine should be completely straight. Pranayama should be done only after concentrating the mind.

How to do Pranayama?

While doing Pranayama, keep the eyes completely closed; do not clench them. Keep the right hand free to hold the nose; the left hand should be above the knee. The palm should be upwards (towards the sky). In the beginning of Pranayama, it is necessary to hold the nose. This work has to be done with the right hand. If the left nostril has to be closed, it should be done with the ring finger of the right hand (the finger next to the smallest finger). If the right nostril has to be closed, it should be closed by pressing with the thumb of the left hand. If both the nostrils have to be closed, they should be closed by pressing with the ring finger and thumb. In all these situations, keep the index finger and middle (middle) fingers closed, as in a fist.  The smallest finger should remain open. After some time (i.e. after practising for a month or two) there is no need to hold the nose. Then

both hands should remain comfortably on the thighs or knees. The palms should be facing upwards (sky).


For Pranayama, (1) Padmasana, (2) Siddhasana, (3) Sukhasana are considered suitable.

(1) Padmasana

Sit down. Raise the right leg and place it on the left thigh. Raise the left leg and place it on the right thigh. The spine should be straight (there should be no bending forward or backward). Close the eyes. The left hand should be on the thigh or knee; palm upwards. The right hand should be free to hold the nose.

(2) Siddhasana

Bend the left leg. Keep the heel near the anus. Keep the right heel over the urinary organ. Place the left palm downwards on the right knee and palm upwards. Keep the right hand free to hold the nose. Focus the gaze on the tip of the nose.

 (3) Sukhasana

Stand on both the knees and keep the right foot on the left side and the left foot on the right side. Tie both the knees with both hands. Hold the wrist of one hand with the other hand. If you have to hold the nose with one hand, then tie both the knees with a cloth.

Method of Pranayama

(1) Purak - Inhale.

(2) Rechak - Exhale.

(3) Kumbhak - Hold the breath inside. There are two types of Kumbhak-

(a) When the breath is inhaled and held inside, it is called Antar Kumbhak.

(b) When the breath is held outside after exhaling, the breathing process is stopped for some time, it is called Bahya Kumbhak.

Practice and see!

 First Pranayam: Take a simple breathing pose. Concentrate on your mind. Close the right nostril with your right hand. Slowly inhale as much as you can through the left nostril. When the lungs are completely filled with air, close the left nostril. Now slowly exhale the air through the right nostril. When the breath is exhaled, slowly inhale again through the right nostril. Now close the right nostril and slowly exhale through the left nostril.

Do this pranayama 15 to 20 times.

Second Pranayama: Samvet

Do this after the first pranayama -

(a) Inhale through both nostrils simultaneously (do Purak); take in as much air as you can in your lungs.

(b) Hold your breath for one second (do Kumbhak).

(c) Slowly exhale through both nostrils simultaneously (do Rechak).

Do this pranayama 15 times.

Third Pranayama: Sahit

(a) Inhale through both nostrils simultaneously (do Purak).

(b) Close both nostrils and hold your breath (do Antah Kumbhak); hold it for as long as you can (do not force yourself).

 (c) After this, exhale the air from both the nostrils simultaneously.

Do it 10 times.

Fourth Pranayama Additional

(a) Inhale from both the nostrils simultaneously (do Purak).

(b) Now close both the nostrils and hold the breath inside (do Anta Kumbhak).

(c) Now exhale the breath from both the nostrils simultaneously, slowly (do Rechak).

(d) Now close both the nostrils and hold the breath outside for as long as possible (do Bahir Kumbhak).

Do it only five times.

There are many other asanas of Vishesh-Yoga, but leave them for those who do special sadhna. As far as physical health is concerned, the above four Pranayamas are sufficient.

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