Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Naturopathy, Bandha, Meditation, Disease, Yogi,

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Very easy treatment in the world

Very easy treatment in the world, principles of naturopathy, naturopathy treatment, naturopathy treatment very easy

Very easy treatment in the world

My dear friends

Naturopathy is very simple. Without anyone's help, one can treat oneself by just reading a book. Lakhs of people have done it and are doing it.

Means of treatment are available everywhere.

By treatment through naturopathy, the disease is eradicated from its roots. It is not that one disease is suppressed and another emerges.

Since this treatment is natural, it is infallible, precise and a panacea.

There is no expense, or the expense is nominal.

There is no need for surgery or injection.

One can avoid the use of dirty and poisonous medicines.

The patient learns a pure and healthy lifestyle forever.

By gaining knowledge of this treatment, a person gathers confidence and courage to relieve the sufferings of others.

This treatment is so simple and effective that the sick person does not have to rub his heels on the bed. After getting immediate relief, he gets back to his work.

In this treatment, the effect of the disease either becomes so mild that there is no mental tension,

Or the disease is cured by urine and roots.

This treatment is Sattvik, so physical and mental impurities go away on their own.

In this treatment, only one disease is treated, but other diseases hidden inside the body are also cured.

After understanding this method of treatment, a person does not get trapped in the trap of becoming a laboratory of Hakims' prescriptions and doctors' tricks.

The whole universe is created from these five elements - soil, water, sunlight, air and sky. All the disorders of the human body can be cured from these. 'Bringing man to his natural state' is 'Natural treatment'. In other words, 'living in swabhaavik state' is the natural treatment. For this reason -

 Natural treatment is the simplest.

 This is the only method to get quick relief and live a long life by staying healthy.

 By treating with naturopathy, the disease is removed from its root and complete relief is obtained. It does not happen that one disease is suppressed and another disease emerges.

 Being a natural method, relief is obtained very quickly.

There is no special expense in natural treatment.

 Needles, knives, scissors, injections etc. are not used in this, i.e. there is no need for incision and puncture.

 Poisonous medicines do not have to be put in the stomach.

The patient learns to adopt a correct lifestyle forever.

Whoever gets the knowledge of the disorder in nature, he will cure himself and others with self-confidence.

 In naturopathy, a person prepares to get up from the bed; not to hold on to the bed.

By getting cured through naturopathy, a person soon returns to normal condition and becomes capable of performing his duties.

This treatment removes mental tension and stress. By getting mental peace, it is natural that the energy of every part of the body increases.

 After treatment through this method, a person does not become irritable, because this is a Sattvik system of treatment.

Nowadays some people have made the medical profession a means of looting. In naturopathy, there is no question of looting or falling prey to the fraud of doctors.

In this system of treatment, the illusion of the severity of the disease disappears from the heart.

For the knowledge of naturopathy, there is no need to waste time and money on diplomas and degrees.

In this system of treatment, there is no need for instruments like X-ray, thermometer, stethoscope, cardiograph etc. and allopathic tests of the patient's stool, urine, phlegm, saliva, blood etc. In this treatment, the disease is diagnosed by looking at the shape and colour of the face.

Dr. Louis Kane has written, "My experience of teaching is that a person whose eyes are healthy can learn this new method of diagnosis and no special talent is required for this."

Naturopathy is more practical and beneficial than all other treatments.

 Naturopathy treats not only the disease but the entire body of the patient. It removes the weakness in the life force of the patient and provides the body with the strength and ability to fight the disease.

This is the only method in which a person starts considering disease as a friend instead of an enemy which shows the right path to remove the toxic elements stuck inside his body.

Natural treatment system is simple, easy and entertaining like a game.

- With this treatment all the powers of the body remain stable and the person becomes agile in body and mind.

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