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Saturday, August 10, 2024

Measles- Causes, symptoms and Naturopathy treatment


Measles- causes, symptoms and Naturopathy treatment, Symptoms of Measles, Causes of Measles, Naturopathy treatment of Measles.

Symptoms of Measles

Measles is a highly contagious viral disease characterized by a distinctive set of symptoms. These symptoms typically appear 7-14 days after exposure to the virus and may last for about 7-10 days. 

Here are the common symptoms of measles--

Early Symptoms

1. Fever

 A high fever, often accompanied by a rash, is the first sign of measles.

2. Runny Nose

A runny nose, which can be yellow or greenish in color, is a common symptom.

3. Cough

A cough, often described as a hacking or barking cough, is another early symptom.

4. Sore Throat

 A sore throat, which can be painful and swollen, is a common symptom.

5. Headache

 A headache, which can be severe, is another early symptom.

Rash Symptoms

1. Rash

The characteristic measles rash appears 3-5 days after the fever begins. It starts on the face, then spreads to the rest of the body.

2. Red Spots

 The rash is made up of red spots that gradually merge to form a larger, flat patch.

3. Itchy Rash

 The rash can be itchy and uncomfortable.

Other Symptoms

1. Ear Infections

 Measles can cause ear infections, which can lead to hearing loss.

2. Pneumonia

Measles can cause pneumonia, which can be life-threatening.

3. Diarrhea

Diarrhea and vomiting can occur in some cases.

4. Conjunctivitis

The eyes may become red and inflamed.

5. Fatigue

People with measles often feel tired and weak.


1. Encephalitis

Measles can cause inflammation of the brain, which can lead to seizures, coma, and even death.

2. Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE)

This is a rare but serious complication that can occur years after the initial measles infection.

3. Ear Infections

Measles can cause ear infections, which can lead to hearing loss.

4. Pneumonia

Measles can cause pneumonia, which can be life-threatening.

When to Seek Medical Attention

If you suspect that you or someone in your family has measles, seek medical attention immediately. Early treatment can help prevent complications and reduce the risk of spreading the disease to others.

Causes of Measles

Measles is a highly contagious illness caused by a virus belonging to the paramyxovirus family. The illness is spread through respiratory secretions, such as nasal discharge and coughing by an infected person. People with measles are contagious in the four days before its onset and for four after the appearance of the second rash. Here are key causes of measles:

Viral Infections

 Measles starts with a viral infection brought about by the measles morbillivirus. The sickness is contagious and is facilitated by the spread of infections through respiratory secretions between people.


The measles patient experiences a series of significant symptoms including fever, feeling unwell, cough sore throat, and a running nose. These symptoms signify the beginning of the breakout of the measles rash.


People with measles transmit the virus to others without showing any symptoms. One can be contagious for months after recovery. The fact that the measles virus keeps spreading through communities even weeks after a measles outbreak happens is due to this very reason.


 People who can't get vaccinated, live in communities with low level of vaccination, or take care of people with whom they are in close continuous contact with are more dangerous to be exposed to individuals with measles.


The measles breakout is more common in certain age groups, including little children and young adults which are most vulnerable to health risks from measles.  

Poor Hydration

The body is extremely sensitive to dehydration and an individual who is not dehydrated may not go through the measles virus safely.

Naturopathy treatment of Measles

Naturopathic treatment for measles generally focuses on alleviating symptoms and supporting the immune system. 

Here is an overview of naturopathic treatment of measles based on several sources--



1. Gastric juices, Electrolytes and fluids

 The patient is maintained on light diet hence plenty of vitamins, minerals and electrolyte fluids are given to prevent dehydration .

2. Fresh fruit juices--

Different types of juices such as orange, apple  jeera, and coconut juice having a good amount glycuronide, enzymes and mucilaginous substance so juices helps here in overcoming the complications like respiratory, digestive, urinary and slashed ine diuretic action and decongestants effect on patient/mycoplasma bacterial stomach catarrhal conjunctivits eye pain and even encephalitis leptomeningitis is exceedingly related immune response these action . 

Tea can also be given to the patients to alleviate the symptoms .

The naturopathic medicine considers the whole person

body, mind, and spirit, and strives to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities.

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