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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Heart disease: types, causes and treatment


Most common heart disease Types of heart disease. Causes of heart disease Causes of heart diseases. Symptoms of heart disease Symptoms of heart disease. Prevent of heart disease Prevention of heart diseases. Treatment of heart diseases by alternative medicine.

My dear Friends, whether it is America or the western countries, heart disease is increasing in India in the present times. Their number is increasing day by day. People are moving away from the natural lifestyle. Modern lifestyles are changing. Most deaths in heart diseases are due to heart attack. Preventing which has become a big challenge. Let us know about the causes, symptoms and treatments of heart disease.

Most common heart disease 

Types of heart disease

Friends, before moving ahead, we first understand what is heart disease and how many types are there. First of all, let us get some information about the heart. What is the heart? It is a type of body organ. Which keeps working day and night while sleeping and waking up. It keeps working throughout the life until the person dies.  It keeps doing its work without stopping till the end of life. Its weight is approximately 500 grams in an adult. It supplies blood to the entire human body. The length of blood vessels in the body is 70000 miles in which it circulates blood. The speed of that blood flow is 65 kilometers per hour. It keeps working with such hard work. Renowned biological doctor Cabin Rasle says that the lifespan of the heart in humans can be up to 300 years. But due to changes in our food and lifestyle, we become victims of heart diseases before time. Let us see how many types of heart diseases are there.

Friends, there are various types of deficiencies present in the heart in our body. Whether that deficiency is based on the anatomical structure of the heart or according to the function of the heart. It causes heart disease, thus there are many types of heart diseases which are as follows____

Dilatation of heart

Contruction of heart

Hypertrophy of heart

Palpitation of heart


Arteriyo scalarosis



Fatty degeneration



Slow heartbeat

Angina pactoris

Myocardial infarction

Coronary thrombosis

Heart failure

Thus we have learned about the different types of heart disease, now let's talk further what are the causes of all these types of heart disease__

Causes of heart disease 

Friends, we ourselves have some hand behind the causes of our heart diseases. The western culture that we have adopted is also helpful in causing heart diseases and many types of physical diseases also cause heart disease. Let's know in detail__

Harmful foods 

Friends, we all know that man needs food to survive. But in the present times, man does not eat to survive, rather he lives for food. Food may or may not be beneficial for the human body, may or may not be nutritious, but eating is important. Here eating food means pure vegetarian, nutritious, chemical free food. Which can develop all three bodies of a human being. The three bodies mean gross body, subtle body and causal body. We will talk about them later, first understand what is the harmful food that is harmful for heart disease?

Cardiologist Christian Bernard and many biological scientists have considered the following food as poison for heart patients. Which are as follows like salt, sugar, alcohol, coffee, tea, meat, egg, ghee, Dalda, chilli, spices, smoking, biscuits, bread, refined flour and things made from refined flour, white rice, milk with cream, saturated fat, sugar, etc. Food forms elements that accumulate in the blood.  Elements that enter the blood mean cholesterol.

One should not consume too much liquids while eating. Water should be drunk 1 hour before and 1 hour after meals, otherwise the digestion process gets hindered and gas starts forming. Food should be chewed well and eaten with a happy mind. One should rest for 10 minutes after eating and sit in Vajrasana.


In America, most people become victims of heart disease after 35 years of age, the main reason for which is obesity. According to a research, after 45 years, obese people suffer from heart disease 15% more than thin people. If there is 10 pounds extra weight, then the extra burden of walking 300 kilometers falls on the heart. The blood vessels of obese people become hard and thin. Due to which the heart has to work more and its working capacity becomes weak. Due to the heart becoming weak, it becomes vulnerable to various diseases.


When sugar level in human blood increases, metabolic activities become unbalanced. Due to which cholesterol, acetic acid, acetone, butyric acid etc. increase in the blood. Due to their increase, the amount of oxygen in the body starts decreasing, which increases the risk of heart diseases. Because the organs far from the heart do not get nutrition, the amount of impurities in the blood starts increasing.

Stomach problems 

Due to wrong eating habits, gas starts forming in the stomach. Food starts rotting in the stomach. Weak intestines are unable to expel the gas and the pressure of gas starts building up on the heart. Due to which the heart rate increases, the person starts feeling dizzy. He starts feeling nervous and his blood pressure becomes high. This type of heart disease occurs.

Arthritis patients 

When arthritis occurs in the body, many types of impurities start increasing in the body. In this type of condition, pressure is put on the heart. The heart supplies blood to the entire body.  Due to which the heart gets rheumatic heart disease.

Mental tension

In present times, various types of mental tensions are occurring in humans. Whether it is due to the death of a family member or divorce or due to any disease or unemployment. Whatever the reason, it causes mental tension and heart diseases. Because it affects mental activities, the person becomes angry, jealous, violent and starts worrying. Due to which hormonal disorders occur in the body. Due to imbalance of hormones, various types of diseases like high blood pressure, hyper acidity, stomach gas, ulcers, etc. occur. Due to this, various types of heart diseases occur.

Genetic causes

Those diseases which are passed on from parents to their children are called genetic diseases. 15% of heart diseases are genetic, who inherit heart disease from their parents.  80% of the people are at risk of heart disease whose parents have heart disease. If one of the parents has heart disease, the chances of the child getting it are reduced by 30%.

Symptom of heart disease 

Friends, the body structure of heart patients mostly does not look like that they are sick. Most of these patients look attractive and healthy. No one can suspect that this person is a heart patient. Some symptoms of heart disease are as follows--

1. Breathlessness and heart rate increases even after doing a little work.

2. Restlessness and heart rate increases after food.

3. Feeling dizzy while getting up and sitting down and feeling tired.

4. Pain and tingling in the left side of the chest, left shoulder and hand.

5. Excessive sweating, fast heartbeat and feeling of restlessness.

5. Difficulty in breathing, heaviness on the chest, stumbling and falling while walking, difficulty in speaking, intense restlessness, whiteness of the left hand going to the place of the heart.  In such a situation, if massage or any other emergency treatment is not given, the patient dies.

6. Excessive sweating, fast heartbeat, nervousness, dryness and burning sensation in mouth and throat.

7. Hands and feet start getting cold, heartbeat becomes fast and there is restlessness.

8. Fainting starts, cramps occur, in such a situation relief should be provided immediately.


Prevent of heart disease Prevention of heart diseases

To avoid heart diseases, every person will have to adopt the following methods, which are as follows___

1. One should avoid the causes that cause heart disease

2. Different types of substances like starch, salt, sugar, protein rich food etc. should not be consumed in food. Foods which are high in fat should not be used. Fried food, chillies, spices should not be used. Food made from refined flour should not be eaten.

3. One should consume coarse grains, increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in food and must eat sprouted grains.

4. One should stay away from tobacco, alcohol and other intoxicants, consuming them leads to heart diseases.

5. One should avoid having physical relations, there is a high possibility of heart disease due to having more relations.

6. One should use entertainment suitable to oneself to keep the mind happy, so that mental stress can be avoided. This is an easy way to stay away from heart disease.

 7. One should adopt an active lifestyle full of exercise. Exercise or yoga should be included in one's lifestyle.

8. One should remember to have faith in God by abandoning atheism. An optimistic lifestyle keeps a person away from heart diseases. A person does not get heart diseases by being sociable and practical.

Treatment of heart disease by Alternative Medicine

In modern medicine, various types of allopathy medicines are used to cure heart disease. These also have some side effects. But in Alternative Medicine, the treatment of heart disease is very easy and simple, by adopting which a person can avoid these diseases and can also cure them. So now let us see what are the benefits of these treatments.

Food Therapy On the basis of various types of research, it has been found that hand pounded rice, coarse flour roti, fruits and vegetables like lemon, orange, amla, tomato, etc.  sour fruits, cucumber, papaya, sprouted grains, walnuts, cauliflower, cabbage, gourd, pumpkin, ash gourd, apricot, grapes, raisins, dried grapes, pineapple, raspberry, garlic, onion, dates, guava, turnip, carrot etc.  are very beneficial for heart patients.  Vitamin B complex, vitamin C and calcium are found in abundance in these.  Therefore, eating them is very beneficial.  Which protects us from various types of diseases and does not allow gas to form in the stomach.

 Magnet Therapy If the BP is high, then a magnet of light or medium power should be applied to the feet.  Along with this, a blood pressure belt should be tied to the right wrist.   The patient should be given water prepared by both poles of the magnet twice a day.

 If the blood pressure is low, the magnet should be applied to the hands.  Blood pressure belt should be tied on the left wrist.  One should not wear a watch on that hand.

 Naturopathy In the morning, before having food, keep a half inch thick mud bandage on the stomach for half an hour.  After half an hour, remove it and give the patient an enema of neem leaves.

 After this, prepare a decoction of Arjuna leaves and give it.

 Wrap the patient in a wet sheet once in 3 days.

 According to the age and condition of the patient, if the BP is not high, then giving steam bath is also beneficial.  Steam bath can be given once a day.

 Giving mud bath or mud bath while sitting in the sun is also beneficial for the whole body, which keeps the blood pressure normal and removes impurities from the blood of the whole body.  After mud bath, one must take a bath with slightly cold water.

  Massaging the entire body with olive oil for a short time clears the nerves of the body and strengthens the heart.

 In this way, friends, by doing some natural treatment, the impurities are removed from inside the human body and due to the removal of impurities, it becomes easier for the heart to circulate blood throughout the body and the heart gets rest due to which it  becomes healthy.


Food Therapy

On the basis of various types of research, it has been found that hand pounded rice, coarse flour roti, fruits and vegetables like lemon, orange, amla, tomato, etc. sour fruits, cucumber, papaya, sprouted grains, walnuts, cauliflower, cabbage, gourd, pumpkin, ash gourd, apricot, grapes, raisins, dried grapes, pineapple, raspberry, garlic, onion, dates, guava, turnip, carrot etc. are very beneficial for heart patients. Vitamin B complex, vitamin C and calcium are found in abundance in these. Therefore, eating them is very beneficial. Which protects us from various types of diseases and does not allow gas to form in the stomach.

Magnet Therapy

If the BP is high, then a magnet of light or medium power should be applied to the feet. Along with this, a blood pressure belt should be tied to the right wrist.  The patient should be given water prepared by both poles of the magnet twice a day.

If the blood pressure is low, the magnet should be applied to the hands. Blood pressure belt should be tied on the left wrist. One should not wear a watch on that hand.


In the morning, before having food, keep a half inch thick mud bandage on the stomach for half an hour. After half an hour, remove it and give the patient an enema of neem leaves.

After this, prepare a decoction of Arjuna leaves and give it.

Wrap the patient in a wet sheet once in 3 days.

According to the age and condition of the patient, if the BP is not high, then giving steam bath is also beneficial. Steam bath can be given once a day.

Giving mud bath or mud bath while sitting in the sun is also beneficial for the whole body, which keeps the blood pressure normal and removes impurities from the blood of the whole body. After mud bath, one must take a bath with slightly cold water.

 Massaging the entire body with olive oil for a short time clears the nerves of the body and strengthens the heart.

In this way, friends, by doing some natural treatment, the impurities are removed from inside the human body and due to the removal of impurities, it becomes easier for the heart to circulate blood throughout the body and the heart gets rest due to which it becomes healthy.

Heart patients must practice some yoga. Like Ajapa Japa, meditation and Pranayama, Shavasana, Gomukhasana, Pawanmuktasana, Vajrasana, Bhujangasana, Matsyasana, Shavasana, etc. By doing them, the heart remains strong. They should be done for a short time. It is enough that the body does not get tired.

Hridya Mudra and meditation should be practiced along with Nadi Shodhan Pranayama, this keeps the mind calm and the nerves are purified.

What to do in case of a heart attack

Make the patient lie down on his back in such a way that the head and shoulders remain at some height. Prevent him from moving. Keep the head turned to the right or left.

Call the doctor as soon as possible and make arrangements to take the patient to the hospital.

Check whether the windpipe is open or not by lifting the chin with one hand and pressing the head down with the other hand. By doing this, the windpipe opens and the tongue becomes straight.  If it is not straight then straig


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