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Friday, September 27, 2024

How to release the power of God in your life


How to release the power of God in your life? what is God's power called? Characteristics of the power of God, how to access the power of God?

Friends, today I am going to tell you about a topic when atheism is prevalent and the effect of negative energy is flowing all around, that topic is about God. After all, what is God? Where does he live? How to identify God? What are the various parts and names of God? Is there any proof that God exists? How can God be attained? Should God be taken along in treatment? How can God help in treatment? Let's move forward to know the answers to these questions.

Where does God live? How to know God according to different religions and sects? What are the ways to attain God? Parts and names of God.

Various article sources to understand God

All doctors have their root base God 

Friends, today I am going to tell you a reality, that reality is about God. When we fall ill, good doctors give up, this often happens with many people in life. The reason for this is not knowing the disease and the medicines not working on the body and not believing in God.  But the greatest physician is God, the greatest medicine is God, but people leave Him and run around in the world. Because without God, no medicine or doctor can work. Nothing can happen without God's will. Doctors and medicines are just the medium to cure the patient. Let me explain to you through some examples.

According to Vaidraj Dhanvantari

Uttering the name of Achyutananda Govind is a medicine that destroys all diseases. I say this is the true truth.

Lord Krishna says in the Gita

God resides equally in everyone's heart, who with his amazing power, like a machine, makes us do all the tasks inside and outside us. Surrender to that power with an open heart, you will get peace and liberation by his grace.

According to Mahatma Gandhi

Man has an unbreakable relationship with God, so the more a man recognizes this relationship, the more he will be free from sin and disease.

The secret of a man becoming disease-free from the heart is that the God whom we worship is himself, truth, health and love and he is also a doctor.  Therefore, by taking refuge in the name of Ram, it does not take long to get rid of all kinds of diseases and ailments.

Taking the name of Ram is just a sample of the truth for which it is taken. The moment a person intelligently sees God within himself, at that very moment he gets rid of all his physical, mental and moral ailments.

       It is surprising that doctors die, doctors die, yet we keep running after them. But we forget that Ram, who does not die and is always alive, is the infallible physician.

If the mantra of Ram's name gets completely embedded in my heart, then I will never die of illness. This rule is not just for me but for everyone.

Rambha (Gandhi Ji's childhood nanny) tells me that whenever you feel scared, take Ram's name, he will protect you. From that day Ram's name became my infallible support for all kinds of fears.

Ram's name is the most effective cure for physical and mental diseases. If you pray to God, he can definitely remove your sorrows and worries. But to make the prayer effective, we should participate in Ramdhun with a true heart and then we can experience peace and happiness. There are other conditions too. The first thing is that we should live in harmony with nature and follow its rules.

 According to Mahatma Jesus Christ

If you attain God, you will automatically attain the world and its objects because the world belongs to God.

How to know God according to different scriptures and sects? What is the proof that God exists? Where does God live? Parts and names of God. What are the ways to attain God?

By worshipping God, a person gets rid of all problems.

Where does God live?

Friends, now let's talk about the place of residence of God, where does God live? As we all know, God is omnipresent, the entire world belongs to him. All the worlds and the afterlife belong to him. Then what is the need for him to live in a particular place? His power resides in every particle, he is available everywhere. In our body as well as outside our body, we just need a spiritual knowledge. To understand it, we need intelligence and wisdom. Let's understand through some examples.

Lord Krishna says in the Gita

That is, God resides in the heart of all living beings.

According to Kabir Das Ji

Just as there is a pupil in the eyes, similarly the Creator resides in the body.

Fools do not know, they go outside to find him.

That is, just as there is a pupil in the eyes, similarly God is also hidden inside this body. But fools search for him outside due to ignorance.

 The thing is somewhere, but the method is found somewhere.

Kabir says you will get it only when the one who knows is with you.

Meaning Kabirdas ji says that God has to be known inside you and not outside, for this you will have to surrender to a knower i.e. a complete Guru.

Proof of God

Friends, now let's talk about the existence of God, whether God exists or not.

Our Vedas prove the existence of God. God is described in the Vedas. Apart from the Vedas, other scriptures like Upanishad, Nyaya, Yoga, Vaisheshik, Vedanta have also accepted the existence of God, which proves that God exists.

God is also proved by his being the creator of this entire universe. Because the creation of such a large universe cannot be done without the will of God. We should understand very well that no one other than God can do this.

God is called the provider of karmafal because no one other than God can give the fruits of the deeds of so many innumerable living beings.

 How to know God according to different scriptures and sects

Friends, before telling about God according to different scriptures and sects, I want to give some information about God from my thoughts, let's know what that information is___

GOD Meaning

Friends, God means Ishwar in English, but to understand that God, when we see the meaning of the full form of God, it comes like this --

G means generator, just like a generator generates electricity, similarly God generates energy in the whole world.

O means operator, just like an operator runs a machine, similarly God runs and maintains this whole universe like an operator.

D means Destroy. It means God is the destroyer of everyone, the destruction of the universe also happens through God.

 In this way friends we see that creation of the universe, its maintenance and its destruction, all these three actions are in the hands of God and that is why he is called GOD.

Meaning of the word Bhagwan in hindu

Friends, this entire universe is made up of five elements which are included in the word Bhagwan, let's see __


Bha_Bhumi (earth)





In this way we see that just as this entire universe is made up of five elements, similarly this entire universe is made by God, these five elements are made by God.

Let's talk about the form of God according to different sects and scriptures.

According to Maharishi Patanjali

The one who is capable of creating and destroying the entire universe by mere desire is God.

God is always unconnected with the five kleshas, karma, vipaka and karmashya, such a special person is called God.

Om is Brahma, Om is everything, the activities of the entire universe run through him, Om is the past, present and future.  This Om should be chanted and its meaning should be contemplated upon. This is the only way to have a vision and remove all obstacles in the path of Sadhana.

By doing Ishwar Pranidhan, the Supreme God takes all the responsibilities of the Sadhak on himself and enables him to attain Samadhi soon.

That God is the Guru of our ancestors also because he is not bound by time.

Characteristics of the power of God

Friends, God has names in the same way as he exists. According to Vayu Purana, God has 6 parts and 10 components. Parts

Omniscience, satisfaction, eternal knowledge, freedom, unbroken consciousness and infinite power.


Knowledge, detachment, wealth, penance, truth, forgiveness, patience, creation, self-awareness and presiding deity.

Names of God

Dear readers, God has no name or form. Still, his name and forms have been created for the convenience of worship. All the names and forms of God that have been imagined are actually based on the qualities of God. On the basis of qualities, we can call God Vishnu, Krishna, Shankar, God, Ishwar, Paramatma, Bhagwan, Allah, Ram etc.  It is the compulsion of the seeker to imagine the imaginary names and forms of God. After attaining God and understanding God, the name and form of God go away automatically. They are of no use after attaining Samadhi. But till one does not attain Samadhi, it is very important to understand the name and form of God

how to access the power of God? 

Friends, various types of measures have been described in many yoga scriptures to attain God. But without going into much detail, I tell you the easy and simple ways to attain God according to Maharishi Patanjali. Maharishi Patanjali has described three sadhanas to attain God, which are as follows____

Ashtanga Yoga

Friends, Maharishi Patanjali has described Ashtanga Yoga in Yogasatra, in which it is told that Ashtanga Yoga is the best for the first class sadhaks i.e. those who have just started sadhana. Because in this, the sadhana is started by following Yama Niyam. Gradually, one reaches the attainment of God through 8 steps. Which is as follows___


Friends, Yama is the rule which is necessary and useful from the point of view of existence and development of human society.  These are of five types which are as follows ____


Having a feeling of compassion towards any living being is called Ahimsa.

According to Patanjali, by following Ahimsa, love for all living beings starts awakening in a person and the person gives up enmity.


A seeker should always follow truth in his mind, words and deeds. One should never speak such truth which hurts the feelings of anyone.

According to Maharishi Patanjali, by following truth, a seeker gets Vachan Siddhi in him and whatever he says happens.


Taking any person's thing as one's own or stealing it in his mind, words and deeds is called Asteya.

According to Maharishi Patanjali, a seeker who follows Asteya gets the whiteness of all gems.


Always dwelling in God in his mind, words and deeds is called Brahmacharya.

 According to Maharishi Patanjali, by observing celibacy a person gains semen.


Not collecting more things than required is called Aparigraha.

By following Aparigraha, the seeker starts getting knowledge of previous births.


Niyam is related to improving the personal life of a person, for which there are five types of means. Which are as follows___


Purifying the body, mind and conscience is called Shaucha.

By following Shaucha, detachment arises in our body parts and the desire to have intercourse with others.


Being satisfied with the situation in which we are is called Santosha.

Man gets infinite happiness as a result of satisfaction.


Happily enduring the struggles that come in the period of Sadhana is called Tapa.

By following Tapa, the seeker gets the perfection of body and senses when the impurities are destroyed.


Studying oneself for self-upliftment and improving oneself is called Swadhyaya.

 Through self-study, we get the vision of our deity, that is, the God we believe in can be seen by us.


Surrendering everything to God with devotion is called Ishwarpranidhan.

Through this, a person attains Samadhi quickly.


Maharishi Patanjali has said that the position in which a sadhak can sit comfortably and do sadhana is called asana.

 On achieving the asana, the sadhak can tolerate all the pains.


 When the asanas become stable, the stopping of the speed of inhalation and exhalation is called pranayama.

 Patanjali has described eight types of pranayama, which include Suryabhedan, Ujjayi, Seetkari, Sheetali, Bhastrika, Bhamari, Murcha Plavani.

 By practicing pranayama, the sadhak gets the knowledge of discrimination when he is covered by light.


By practicing pratyahara, the senses of a person do not get attached to their respective subjects, that is, they become free from bondages.

 When one becomes firm in the practice of pratyahara, the senses come under one's control.

 Keeping the mind focused on one point is called Dharana.

  Meditation Continuous concentration in the same state is what makes one meditate.

 Through meditation, the seeker attains self-knowledge.

 Samadhi The mature state of meditation is called samadhi.

 When the seeker is not even aware of himself while meditating and is absorbed only in his deity, such a state is called samadhi.

 Samadhi is the final state of yoga which is the main objective of yoga sadhana.


Kriya Yoga

Maharishi Patanjali has told Kriya Yoga for the medium category of sadhaks, through this the mind gets purified. Medium category sadhaks mean those sadhaks who were engaged in sadhana but their mind could not be purified, their mind gets purified through Kriya Yoga and the sadhak attains the state of Samadhi. That is, he understands God. The following three means come in Kriya Yoga -

Tapasya, Swadhyaya, Ishwar Pranidhan. These have been described above.

Practice and detachment

Thoughts of the mind are stopped through practice and detachment.

The effort made for stability of mind is called practice.

This practice is fruitful when done continuously with respect for a long time.

A person who has no desire, no attachment, whose mind is not under the control of senses, while senses are under his control. Such a sadhak is called a sadhak with detachment.

 By combining practice and detachment, a seeker attains Samadhi quickly. This is only for the best practitioners. Those who have done sadhna in their previous births and could not complete the sadhnas, can attain Moksha in this birth through practice and detachment.

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