Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Naturopathy, Bandha, Meditation, Disease, Yogi,

Monday, October 28, 2024

allopathy and naturopathy


allopathy and naturopathy

Allopathy completely ignores the individual - it turns a blind eye to what the individual has done to allow the disease to take root in his body. Allopathy focuses entirely on external factors, such as germs. I wonder where doctors have derived this word from and why they consider their duty to be limited to exaggerating its dangers and tormenting the patient.

Due to the widespread publicity of this 'germ theory', the common man has begun to believe that as soon as a tiny germ (germ of bacillus), thousands of which can fit in the tip of a pin, enters the body, that person will be afflicted with some dreadful disease - perhaps typhoid, or perhaps cancer!

If a treatment which creates so much terror does not make a mentally healthy person sick, then what else will it do?

Is this a sensible thing to do?

The germs and bacteria that we are made to fear are actually false fears. The human body is always full of germs and bacteria. These germs and bacteria play an important role in various functions of the body.

Especially in destructive processes. The processes of creation and destruction keep happening in our body continuously - night and day, while sleeping and waking; whether we are aware of them or not.

When a living element dies, it immediately starts disintegrating and transforming into the simple chemical elements of which it is made. When a living element breaks down after death and transforms into its original elements, then nature uses germs and bacteria according to its rules.

We all know that if a dead animal is left lying like this, it starts rotting very soon. Any living thing is bound to die. It is bound to turn into dust. Just to turn it into dust, nature has appointed an army of germs and bacteria inside us.

The thing to understand is that the germs and bacteria that break down a dead cell or an entire dead body and convert it back into its original elements are no different from the germs and bacteria that are considered the main cause of various diseases in allopathy. It is unfortunate that allopathy people do not even try to understand this much.

Germs and bacteria keep doing their work during every disease. It is their job to break down the waste accumulated in the urine and throw it out. Allopathic doctors blame all the germs and bacteria for any disease. Isn't this ridiculous? This is an example.

It is explained by-

An animal dies. You just throw it in a corner of the open ground. After some time, various types of insects will start growing in it; innumerable germs and bacteria of various types will start eating and destroying it and in a few days they will destroy the dead body. But, at the time when the germs and bacteria are doing their work, if someone sees them there and says that the animal died because of those germs and bacteria, then how wrong will it be! Those germs and bacteria are not the cause of the death of that animal; rather their job is to destroy the decaying matter.

Just as the germs and bacteria present on our earth destroy a dead animal, similarly as soon as a cell dies or a group of cells die in the human body, these germs and bacteria start destroying it by breaking it into pieces. Germs and bacteria are seen in every disease; but they are not the cause of those diseases; rather, they are the microscopic cleaning workers appointed by nature to do the cleaning work. Germs and bacteria are the result of the disease, not the cause at all.

What I mean to say is that the treatment of disease is to remove the filth accumulated inside the body, and not to worry about germs and bacteria. In fact, those who treat with the naturopathy system do not believe in the germ theory and neither do they consider them the cause of the origin of diseases. They do not say that

That germs do not exist; but they are not considered to be the cause of diseases.

Rather, in natural thinking, diseases are the cause of the origin of these germs. Therefore, the human being, who is a more evolved creature of nature, does not need to be afraid of these germs at all.

These germs were first discovered by a French doctor named Veyan. After reading the essay written by him years later, a scientist named Louis Pasteur popularized the theory that 'these germs are the cause of all diseases'!

This principle of allopathy is actually based on ignorance. It is worth thinking that the germs which are said to cause diseases are not found inside the body in the beginning; they appear some time after the disease has occurred. Then how can they be called the cause of the disease?

After many tests, Canada's famous doctor Fraser has proved that germs are produced inside the body only after the disease has originated.

You can guess the hollowness of the 'Germs Theory' from the fact that the germs that are said to be the cause of many diseases are always found in a healthy body, but those diseases are not caused by them. When a contaminated part (toxin) accumulates in a person's body, an outbreak occurs in response to it. That is called a disease. What is the fault of the poor germs in this?

Doctors to prove the 'germ theory'

They even perform a more childish experiment. They inject the contaminated blood of a patient into another person's body, and cause the same disease in that person as well, and say, look, the germs have caused the same disease in him as well! It is a simple matter that the disease in the other person did not occur because of the germs; rather it occurred because the contaminated blood present in the first person's body has gone into the other person's body. If blood is taken from a patient's body, the contaminated part is removed from it, and the disease is caused only by the germs, then it can be believed that the disease in the other person occurred because of the same germs. But, sometimes

After such tests, it was found that the disease did not occur! In those diseases which are considered infectious, even if the direct cause of the disease is germs and the disease may spread to another person on coming in contact with a patient, it is certain that the other person will get the disease only if the condition to accept that disease is already present in him. But a person who is clean from within, i.e., in whose body toxic elements (contaminated excreta) are not already present, cannot get the disease despite coming in contact with these germs or bacteria.

What is this disease?

According to naturopaths, there are three main causes of diseases-

1. Lower vitality.

2. Body clogged with waste material,

3. Impurity

A naturopath does not give any herb or medicine to cure a disease. He teaches his patient such a way of living that the patient can live a good life at home and never fall ill again. He is not satisfied by curing a particular disease of his patient; whereas ordinary doctors or vaidyas are mostly interested only in understanding the disease and its symptoms of their patients, finding a cure for it and treating only the symptoms related to that disease.

On the contrary, a naturopath is more interested in teaching the principles of health care and recovery; that is, the interest of a naturopath begins at the point where an ordinary doctor's interest ends.

In the naturopathy, along with completely eradicating the disease, a person begins to live such a life in which there is no scope for disease. Thus naturopathy is actually a way of living; not just a method of curing diseases. In naturopathy, it is not even claimed that all diseases are cured by it. In fact, there is no such method of medicine that can claim to eradicate all diseases. If this were so, then the human race would not have become

 Mahatma Gandhi had written-

"Natural treatment has the potential of changing lives. It is the same as taking a medicine given by a doctor or going to a hospital to get medicine for free or by paying a fee or staying there. A person who takes free medicine becomes a beggar. A person who uses natural treatment never becomes a beggar. He increases his prestige and takes measures to get well himself. He removes poison from his body and tries such things that he does not fall ill again.

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