Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Naturopathy, Bandha, Meditation, Disease, Yogi,

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Causes of mental disability


Causes of mental disability,Treatment of mentally challenged children in yoga,Home remedies for mentally handicapped children,

Friends, this human body is the best creature among all the creatures found on earth. Human birth is obtained after doing very good deeds. That is why Tulsidas ji has also said --

Bade Bhag Manush Tan Paava. Sur Durlabh Sadgranthan Gaava.

Even the gods are anxious to get human birth. But when there is any kind of disability in the body, whether it is physical or mental, then this human life also becomes full of sorrow. Let us know about the causes of mental disability.

Causes of mental disability, treatment of mentally disabled children in yoga, treatment of mentally disabled children in naturopathy, home remedies for mentally disabled children

Causes of mental disability

Friends, it is mostly said in our society that body, family, worldly resources, are obtained according to previous deeds. Human body is karma pradhan. Our present and future are formed according to the deeds we do. But those who are disabled from birth in body, mind, intellect and conscience. How to reduce it?  And how to improve this world and the other world? Their human life has become just a life for enjoyment. This is a big question. Such handicapped children from birth are unable to live their life. They have to depend on the family and society.

If the child gets hurt on the head during the mother's pregnancy, it can lead to mental disability.

If the mother herself is suffering from some mental disease during pregnancy, then also disability can occur.

This also happens due to the pregnant woman not getting nutritious food.

If the mother has consumed excessive intoxicants during pregnancy, then also the children can have mental disability.

If the mother is in a state of mental stress, anxiety, fear, grief, attachment, anger during pregnancy, then it also affects the child's mentality.

If the mother or father is mentally ill or the father has a disease of Shukra Dosha, then also the father's sperms become weak. Due to this also, the child can suffer mentally after pregnancy.

If the mother is suffering from any disease like asthma, TB, diabetes, epilepsy, blood pressure, depression, insomnia etc. then also the child can have mental disability.

If the husband has intercourse with the mother through unnatural means, actions, postures during pregnancy, then also mental disability can occur.

This also happens due to excessive consumption of English medicines during pregnancy.

The child can also be mentally disabled due to the weakness of semen due to old age.

If there is a deformity in the hearing of the ductless glands during pregnancy.

The mother has a severe fever during pregnancy and is suffering from a long illness.

 There are many reasons for this like paralysis of the child during pregnancy, the child falling from the bed, getting a head injury, the child suffering from viral fever for a long time, etc.

Treatment of mentally challenged children in yoga

Children should be made to do some yogic activities every day. Yogasanas like Tadasana, Parvatasana, Trikonasana, Garudasana, Gaumukha Asana, Mastyendrasana, Mandukasana, Paschimottanasana, Nokasana, Salabhasana, Bhujangasana etc. should be done under the supervision of a yoga instructor.

Children should practice Bhastrika, Kapalabhati, Anulom Vilom Pranayama in the morning.

Children should also practice Moola Bandha, Jalandhar Bandha, Udyan Bandha.

Children should take deep breaths and practice the pronunciation of Om as well as concentrate on the Ajna Chakra.

Children should sit in Gyan Mudra while practicing meditation.

Treatment of mentally challenged children in naturopathy

Children should be woken up early in the morning and given as much water as possible to drink. Then after this, one should go for a walk. So that the bowel movement will be done properly and the heated heat of the stool will not go to the head.

 Give lemon water enema to children once a week. This will keep the stomach clean and the heat of the stool does not rise to the head.

Ganesh Kriya should be done for children after defecation. Dissolve a little camphor in castor oil, cool it and fill the oil in a wide mouthed syringe. After defecation, dip the index finger of the left hand in the oil and put the finger inside the anus and rotate it around. This is called Ganesh Kriya. It has many benefits.

Children should do Jal Neti every day using a spouted pot by adding a little salt to lukewarm water.

Ganjan Kriya should also be done for children once a week.

Children should massage their entire body with oil every day. Oil should also be applied on the head. Oil should also be applied on the toenails, soles of the feet and navel. After the massage, the body should be wiped with a rough cotton towel. Wiping the body should be done only after bathing.

Before bathing, Mehan bath and spinal bath should be done in cold water for three minutes each. A stream of cold water should be poured on the tip of the penis of a boy and on the labia of a girl. This is called Mehan bath. Spinal bath is done by pouring a stream of cold water on the spine.

Children should be given steam bath twice a month. This bath should be done till sweat comes on the face.

Along with this, one should wrap oneself in a wet sheet for at least 40 minutes. This also removes the toxins from the body.

Home remedies for mentally handicapped children

Home remedies are ancient Ayurvedic treatments. Its use is also beneficial in the development of intelligence of children.

 100 gm almond kernel, 100 gm walnut kernel, 10 gm black pepper, 50 gm raisins, 10 gm small cardamom, 50 gm fennel, 200 gm pure sugar candy, grind all these and fry them in cow ghee, cool and store in a vessel. Then regularly consume one spoon each morning and evening with cow milk, it will affect the child's intelligence. Brain glands will become healthy.

100-- 100 gm cucumber seed kernel, melon seed kernel, almond kernel, raisins and asparagus. 20-- 20 gm cardamom seeds, white pepper. Grind all of them and store. Mix two to four spoons of medicine in cold milk and give it to the child twice a day in summer season. This is a good recipe for mentally challenged children.  By consuming this, the mind of the children becomes fresh and mental development takes place.

100-100 grams of almond kernels, fennel, dates. Grind 10 grams of black pepper and 250 grams of sugar candy and keep it. Taking one spoon of medicine with milk twice a day will help in proper mental development.

Take one spoon of Brahmi Vati with water in the morning and evening and take two spoons of Shankhpushpi twice a day.


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