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Friday, October 18, 2024

Medicinal benefits of Indian gooseberry

Medicinal benefits of Indian gooseberry,What is amla and its benefits. Medicinal benefits of amla, amla health benefits, Indian gooseberry nutrition, amla side effect on kidney.

My dear friend, Its fresh fruit or juice is soothing, fatigue-relieving and digestive. It is usually given with honey. No other fruit has as much vitamin C as this. According to tests, 800 mg of vitamin C can be obtained from 100 grams of fresh amlas. It is as cheap as it is beneficial. Amla is physically cold, dry, quick to digest and refreshing. It increases appetite, calms heartbeat and anxiety. It removes lack of virility, weakness of brain and eyes and provides strength.


By using it, the body gets strength and nutrition. It gives strength to the intestines, digestive system, muscles and nervous system. Amla is a chemical that keeps old age away. Its murabba should be eaten continuously throughout the year by those old people whose hair has started turning grey before time. It increases semen and cures chronic fever. Tridoshahara

Chickpeas from fruits and vegetables

Amla murabba can be given without hesitation to a patient suffering from any disease.

loss of eyesight and graying of hair

According to medical science, Amla is Amrit. Tulsi is also called Amrit. If these two Amrits are combined then it becomes icing on the cake. Grind the soup and make powder. The ground Amla is sold in the market. ॥-1॥ Grind Tulsi leaves with water. Then mix both of them and mix them in water. Take such a quantity of water that it is sufficient to reach the roots of the hair.

Apply this solution to the hair with the tips of your fingers and let it dry. When it dries completely, wash the hair with water. The effect of this solution starts showing in 15 days. If you are still not satisfied, then continue this process for 3 months. By using this, the hair becomes soft and white hair becomes black. It improves eyesight and keeps the brain cool.

spontaneous delivery

Most women suffer a lot during summers. They start writhing in unbearable pain. To get relief from this unbearable pain, the use of Indian gooseberries is desirable. The easy solution is to boil 50 grams of green or dry Indian gooseberries in 200 grams of water.

Boil them till only 80 ml of water remains. Mix this water with honey and give it to the pregnant woman from time to time. With this favorable practice, delivery takes place easily and without pain.

white leucorrhoea

Consuming the powder of Anchal continuously for one month is beneficial in Leucorrhea.

Fruit and vegetable therapy

hair fall

If the hair of those who are falling like rain, apply Indian gooseberry oil on their head daily, then hair fall stops and black hair starts growing on the head. A Vaidya Mahashay even claims that if Indian gooseberry oil is used in time for baldness, then a wavy field of black hair can be seen on the head.

half headache

Use of Amla Murabba is a Ramda Yoga for the treatment of migraine.

heart attack

Heart attack can be prevented by eating fresh Indian gooseberry every day because it helps in reducing cholesterol. In the World Conference on Heart Diseases being held in Bombay on 7 April 88, the research paper of Dr. Mohan Mishra of Bihar shows that Indian gooseberry helps in reducing cholesterol. It has also been tested on 15 men and women. It was said in the research paper that each heart patient was fed 50 grams of fresh Indian gooseberry and when they were examined after 4 weeks, there was a 31 percent reduction in cholesterol.

dental diseases

Make powder of dry Indian gooseberries. Take one teaspoon of this powder with warm water or milk every night. All stomach problems or toothaches will go away. Problems like watery teeth, swollen gums etc. will go away.

having gray hair

By soaking dry Indian gooseberries in an iron vessel for 2-3 days and then grinding them and applying them on the hair, the hair becomes black.

silky shiny hair

Soak the dry Indian gooseberries in an earthen pot overnight. In the morning, mash the Indian gooseberries and extract the juice. If you wash your hair with this juice, it becomes silky soft and shiny.


Often in summers, nose starts bleeding suddenly due to heat. In such a situation, if you drink amla powder mixed with sugar, it is beneficial. Re

gular use of fresh amla is very good for nose bleeding.

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