Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Naturopathy, Bandha, Meditation, Disease, Yogi,

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Commercialisation of naturopathy

Commercialisation of naturopathy, naturopathy hospital, hospital management

Commercialisation of naturopathy

Differing with his own naturo-path doctor, Dr. Mehta of Poona Nature Cure Clinic, where after his historic fast against communal and real treatment by the elements like water, earth, sun, air etc. alongwith ideal diet. Indeed, one wished that Gandhiji should have Award, Gandhiji recouped his health, because it was both in set-up and practice not viable for the poor people in India. Gandhiji started his own nature cure hospital in a rural'area viz. Urlikanchan. He sent ardent and zealous advocates of genuine naturopathy to develop it along his own idea of self- reliance in health Missionary like, Sri Balkoba Bhave, the younger brother of Acharya Vinoba Bhave, Sri Kishanchand etc. pioneered this work and strove for years to build it up into an ideal hospital to cater to the needs of the poor folk in villages around. It was a great experiment in providing inexpensive treatment with all possible products from the lands cultivated. There too was tried many of his notions on environmental hygiene, use- of natural manure lived longer to mould it into the ideal institution which he conceived and thus be made an instrument to serve the millions who need it badly. But, then, like all his other great ideas of re-constructing the country after it was freed from enslavery and im- poverishment, this also lost its vigour and vitality with his sudden demise. The whole concept got distorted, degenerated and disabused so that today it is a mere caricature of a grand plan for self-sufficient and self-reliant health-welfare in free India.

It is with great dismay that people in general and Gandhian workers specially, view such devia- tions in approach and in effect as are conspicuously now a days in naturopathy. Perhaps,, this can be explained away as a general phenomenon with the changing world of science and business. Or to quote a poet, "for life goes not backward nortarries with yesterday.. Even Gandhiji, they may argue, would have to reconcile with the changes and demands of a dynamic time. Anyhow, analysing the unsavoury developments, one can unmistakably point at the growing professionalism profit-motive, machinisation, artificialities, imitation of other systems, emphasis on government aid and support, lack of self-reliance and pandering publicity. All of them cumulatively have definiely destroyed the original purpose of Gandhiji in espousing the cause of naturoathy. More than all; Gandhiji advocated this is system as a part of his large plan of self-reliance of this country in its re-building after achieving freedom. And then he wanted it for "the daridranarayan,. the poorest of the poor and the lowest in the society. He zealously preached and practised it as he considered it a part of his philosophy of "Man Vs Mammon & Machine.." By the deviations delineated, we have, to say the least, denied his fundamental idea, since man is again debased.

Exponents of naturopathy vociferously argue that it is inexpensive. But that is exactly what it is today disproving. The hospitals, clinics and centres are gradually slipping into the abyss whence Gandhiji salvaged them by his strong plea for free service. Professional doctors in these healing centres have nothing to distinguish them from other healers. Money remains the incentive for them too. Service spirit and. experience are less valued than degrees and diplomas for curing diseases. Mechanical instruments like magnet are replacing the simple aids of natural elements which Gandhiji gave emphasis on. Catering to rich is the criterion for status of doctors and fame of the hospital. Business magnates have cleverly converted, naturopathy also as one of their trade devices. Looking to Government aid and support, the very spirit of voluntary service is systematically destroyed. The basic principle of health self-reliance is given a go-bye. The stark fact remains naturopathy is slipping fast into the hands of the rich or the organised mechanism of government.

First and foremost step should be the simpli- fication of naturopathy and shedding all the luxurious trappings and tussels it has acquired in the interest of the rich and the fashion-mad urban people. It is intended more for the simple rural folk who live and work in nature. In fact it is more a health education in natural life than an elaborate process of treatment. Secondly it should stress on self- reliance. Government grants and other aid should be for the bare necessities; lest its bureaucratic tentacles would strangle the spirit of service and breed professionalism, nepotism and other evils, so remnant in other systems. It should guard against business motive creeping into it. More than all service-spirit should actuate its propagation and promotion/Competition with other systems of medicine is futile and foolish in a fast advancing world the complexities and the consequences of which are too horrifyingly projected in the urban areas. Naturopathy is essentially a call for "Back to Nature. Hence at the most it can be a complement to the quick-relief measures of other systems of medicine. Add to these is the fact that Naturopathy heals the man in total, physically, psychologically, mentally and spiritually as Gandhiji desired. It is not a superficial attention to the physically visible ills but aims at a total overhauling of man to keep him in tune with nature.

In any plan for health welfare of the people, these essential should be borne in mind. Otherwise, it will also turn another item for recording colossal expenditure on unessentials just to, derive satisfaction that in terms of figures, much has been done. Indeed, it should be based on voluntary and people's level approach so that' every village will take the initiative' for providing health Welfare, mass education, healthy living and it becomes a primary, part of the total effort for village self-reliance, and 'lelf- 'government. For, Hind Swaraj of Gandhiji' can be a reality only in the complete self government of the real villages in this country.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

how to cure male infertility

 how to cure male infertility

My dear friends , There is no bigger misconception about naturopathy, natural diet or aphrodisiacs than that it reduces a person's sexual power or that many impotent people have achieved rejuvenation by becoming aphrodisiacs and are living happy lives.

how to cure male infertility  Male  infertility kya hai

Drinking water is the simplest and surest way to make a person healthy. Many young men and women, middle-aged men and women suffer from various types of sexual problems, due to which their wrong eating habits also contribute. Many diseases like restlessness of mind, despair, weakness, premature ejaculation, loss of libido, loss of interest, dysfunction in sexual organs, inability to control sexual desire, nightmares etc. can be benefited by adopting bad diet. In yoga and naturopathy, diet is considered to be of three types: Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic. There is a detailed description of this subject in Geeta also. There is a misconception spread in the society that non-vegetarian food like eggs, meat, fish etc. are aphrodisiacs. That is why sensual people have special attraction towards non-vegetarian food and alcohol. In fact it is rajasic food. When the throat is rotten, it comes under the category of Tamasic food. This type of diet is suitable for today's lazy, laborless, stressed people.

Life is not able to give sexual pleasure to those who live for long. That is why nowadays many types of medicines are available in the market in the name of increasing sexual power and are sold in abundance, but it seems better not to comment about how much benefit they provide and for how many days. Often people are seen becoming depressed and sick due to this diet system. Even if the person consuming this type of rajasic diet is physically healthy, he does not have control over his sexual urges, hence there is a danger of becoming an adulterer. Today, rape, misconduct, unnatural sex, homosexuality, extramarital sex, various types of crimes etc. are increasing. If we investigate such criminals, their diet will definitely be found to be rajasic and tamasic and they will be found lacking in satvik tendencies.

Natural food system or non-vegetarian food is considered as satvik food. This diet not only cures many types of physical and mental problems like impotence, dysfunction of sexual organs, weakness or deformity, despair, premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission, various diseases related to menstruation in women, lack of ability to conceive, miscarriage, disinterest in sex or fear etc. Faults are removed, but the ability to control oneself or self-control also increases, due to which the person easily stops the tendencies of misconduct and crime. A non-consumer is fully sexually capable but also restrained. Therefore, whenever there is a need for sexual intercourse, he enjoys full sexual pleasure but does not remain incontinent, does not always suffer from sexual thirst.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Medicinal use of papaya


Medicinal use of papaya, benefits of papaya

Most useful healthy pulp

Papaya tree is basically originated in Central America and the West Indies. This wee was cultivated in Central America even before the Europeans arrived there Later Spanie and Portuguese invaders camed this plant to other places. Although the eritive papaya plant is useful in many ways, but the fruit has gained immense popularity due to its afficacy Nowadays this tree can be found in all tropical regions around the world it may represent the fusion of two or more species of Carica

Papayas are usually grown from seed. Their development is rapid, fruit being produced before the end of the first year Under favourable conditions, a plant may live five years or more The tree grows best in well drained areas. It has an un-branched hollow trunk (not woody) up to 8 m (20 feet)

tall, and fruits grow on the trunk of female plants. The plant is crowned by deeply lobed leaves, sometimes 60 cm (2 feet) across, borne on hollow petioles 60 cm long. Normally, the species is dioecious, male and female flowers being produced on separate plants. Male flowers are borne in clusters on stalks 90 cm long the flowers are funnel shaped about 2.5 mm (0.1 inch) long, and whitish, and the corolla is five-lobed, with 10 stamens in the throat. The female flowers are considerably larger on very short stalks, and often solitary in the leaf axils, they have five fleshy petais that are united toward the base and a large cylindrical that is crowned by five fan-shaped sessile stigmas


Papaya flower has medicinal properties. It is useful in inducing menstruation and treating bronchial infections


The raw leaves of papaya tree are also useful in Induced menstruation Papain also works as an effective pain-relieving agent, it is commonly used for patients with slip- disc and is useful in treating arthritis. Recent evidences indicate that papain can destroy fibrin present on cancer cells. Hence, It has the ability to prevent spread of the disease to other parts of the body. It has been found that patients taking

papain recover faster from chemo and radiation therapies.


Carpaine, an alkaloid, is found in the seeds and green parts of the papaya plant. Reports suggest that carpaine works as a heart stimulant and diuretic. in higher doses, it reduces the pulse rate and acts as a depressant. It also helps in curing amoebic dysentery The seeds have worm-expelling properties, too. Traditionally, air-dried seeds have been used for de-worming livestock and pets


The fruit is commonly sphencal to cylindrical in korm and a 75500 mm or even more in length, and sometimes woghs as much as to 115 kg (20 to 25.5 pounds) In general character i strongly resembles a muskmelon Papaya has more carotene than many other fruits and is highly nutritious


The unripe fruit exude the milky latex contains proteolytic enzymes which can digest proteins, small peptides amades and some esters. Papine is extensively used as a digestive supplement as a medicines, specially for persons having difficulty in digesting proteins While digesting proteins, papain forms vanous amino acids, including arginine Arginine is known to help muscle building and reducing body fat So, it is useful for obese people

The enzyme mixture can also hydrolyse fats and carbohydrates In fact, one gram of papain can digest 35 gms of meat As a result it is used as tenderizer in meat preparations. So s always good for patients suffering from digestive problems. The unripe fruit can be cooked like squash

Due to high enzyme content, un-ipped fruil is extremery good for dyspeptic patients. Unripe papaya also checks the growth of unwanted bacteria and parasites in the intestines. It is also offlective against worms, and is commonly administered for the expulsion of lubrici

Fully grown unripe fruit is the main source of papain (a small

quantity is also present in leaf, stem etc.) HIPE

The very juicy flesh is deep yellow or orange to salmon-coloured and about 25 mm thick. Along the walls of the large central cavity are attached the numerous round, wrinkled black seeds, the size of peas

The papaya fruit is slightly sweet, with an agreeable musky tang, which is more pronounced in some vaneties and in some climates than in others. It is a popular breakfast fruit in many countries and is also used in salads, pies sherbets, juices, and confections.

It is commonly eaten as dessert. Ripe papaya acts as a mild but effective laxative and provides relief trom danhoea and dysentery When ripe, the papaya fruit pulp turns yellow or reddish

As large number of children in our country tum blind due to vitamin A deficiency, papaya can be of great help in This regard. Papaya is highly nutritious and has more carotene than many other fruits. The total carotene is more than 2.700 micro grams per 100 g of pulp, which includes about 900 microgram of beta carotene Beta carotene has the ability to protect our system against free radicals, and certain types of cancer Carotene gets converted into vitamin A in our body

The pulp is also rich in vitamin C. Besides, it is a rich source of potassium, sodium, calcium, iron and proteins Being low in calories 100 g of ripe pulp has about 32 kcal-it is good for those who plan to shed weight without suffering from nutritional deficiency


Paw lates from the trunk of papaya tree, if applied externally, it speed up healing of wounds, warts, bolls, ulcers and hard kamors. This is why papk of papaya tree, beonlinedditionally used on wounds and incisions. In certain places, us from the also used tor dress papaya pieces have been traditionature edametic that remove freckles and sun blemishes trom the

skin. Papain bark relieves toothache Papaya latex from unripe fruits is used to manufacture chewing gum, and for reducing shrinkage of certain Daristes of wook it is used in diseleries for chil-proofing and clarifying ber in the tanning industry, papaya a usad ke Balding hide


Jaundice Early stage of VALUE when there is a loss of appetite with pain in right hypochondrousa aer meals Bloor undigested leds of laundice when there is a loss of dark Pate conjunctiva. Taste of mouth is bands Dyspepsia Disorders followed by constipation Urine yalioncles, Eschar burns, Sloughing of infected wounds

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Stress management through yoga

 Stress management through yoga

Stress management through yoga, method of relaxation, benefits of meditation in stress, benefits of yoga in stress, stress management, posture.

My dear friends, The separation of human mind and brain from Yoga and its combination with anti-Yoga elements is the main reason for the origin of stress. In the materialistic modern era, the indiscriminate use of machinery and the busyness of life resulting from competition make humans feel stressed at every step. The busy urban life, increasing pollution in the environment, family and social problems gradually increase stress.

To achieve success in the field of yoga, it is necessary for a yoga practitioner to have natural joy in his mind. By practicing yogic processes patiently for a long time with joy and enthusiasm, success is definitely achieved. The yoga practitioner gradually enters higher level yoga classes. Under Hathapradipika, joy has been kept among the elements of yoga for achieving success in yoga. In general order it is found that personal, family and social problems and ideological and emotional conflicts arise from the human being.

Often takes away his joy. In such a situation, a person is not able to incline his body and mind towards yogic practices or practices. Even during the practice of yogic processes, the mind remains in a stressed state and it loses the courage and determination which are essential for success in yoga. A person's environment does not allow him to live in a stress-free state. a person's personal

One keeps becoming a victim of stress either due to weaknesses or due to the complications created by the environment around him. In fact these complexities and challenges are for human development. In such a situation, instead of getting worried by getting entangled with them, one should accept them and find solutions to them in yoga. In the Yoga Shastras, many such methods and methods have been explained by the Maharishis, whose proper research in various areas of life takes a person out of the conflictual state like stress and establishes peace in his life. In this way, yoga not only cures stress but also makes life successful and prosperous.

Medical research shows that stress causes great harm to humans; sleep, appetite etc. disappear during painful moments of intense grief and excitement. Is various. shankha

Stress arising due to various reasons brings with it not only temporary pain but also far-reaching side effects.

Sometimes during moments of stress, the body or mind becomes so agitated and disoriented that even natural sleep becomes ineffective. Going deep into nature is the simplest and most useful means of relieving fatigue. When a tired person sleeps deeply at night, he wakes up in the morning with new energy, freshness and happiness. Natural sleep has the natural quality of eliminating stress and fatigue. Stress takes away a person's natural sleeping instinct. Due to which his sleep gets disturbed and in such a situation he does not sleep or gets very light sleep. Such sleep proves unsuccessful in eliminating stress and fatigue.

People use sedatives and sleeping pills to induce sleep and relieve fatigue and stress, but their use does not cure the disease completely. Some people even indulge in drug addiction to relieve stress. Consumption of tranquilizers only causes hangover and the person loses his senses. In such a situation, man remains deprived of the freshness that comes from deep sleep. One becomes habituated to the use of tranquilizer and its effect diminishes and the need to take it in larger quantities is felt. Besides, many side effects also occur due to which

New diseases take refuge in the body and mind.

Stability in asanas is essential for the higher practices of yoga. To become stable in asanas, the body is made strong and full of vitality through dynamic and body enhancing asanas. Along with the body, strength and stability of the mind is necessary, for which relaxation is a widely available practice. Regular practice of relaxation ends the conflicting situations of thoughts and emotions. Due to which mental peace is achieved and there is complete absence of stress in the calm mind.


Relaxation is relaxing the natural movements of the body. In the process of relaxation, the body has to be completely relaxed and the mind has to be completely emptied. A simple way to eliminate stress is to practice relaxation. In its practice, morale is used and by giving signals to ourselves, it is said that our body parts are getting relaxed and our own running around is stopping. All good and bad tendencies are being destroyed. Taking it and the racing of the mind stops and starts working as per self-direction. Through such practice, stress gets relieved as a result of training the mind and getting sleep.

Gandhiji had control over sleep. Vinoba Bhave went to sleep at six o'clock in every season and had control over the fixed time. Vinoba Bhar and Clive used to wake up while riding horses on the war front for weeks. Napoleon would sit in the same position against the tree to relieve some fatigue, wake up the horse and start working again with renewed enthusiasm.

Methods of relaxation

Fifth note of musical scale. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya has explained many effective methods of relaxation in the book called Vaadmaya called Gyan Vigyan of Sadhana methods. They are as follows-

1. Relaxation is the best and easiest way to get rid of stress. Shavasana is the most useful exercise for this. Shavasana means lying motionless towards the dead body. This can be done by sitting on a chair or by taking the support of a wall or any other comfortable object. In this, the body is kept in a pressure-free and comfortable position. In this state, there is a deep feeling that the life force of the entire body has been drawn out and the brain has concentrated in the center and all other components of the body have become calm and almost dead.

With this type of practice, all the body parts gradually become relaxed and the mind becomes calm. After a long period of practice, a stage comes when the conflict going on in the inner world comes to an end and in this stage one attains ultimate peace. Attainment of ultimate peace is freedom from stress.

2. To practice relaxation, one should lie down in a noise-free place and feel the body weightless and imagine that the entire body has become as light as cotton.

In this direction, the scene of the Doomsday should be mentally observed. A picture should be drawn of the immense amount of water everywhere. To calm the mind, one should imagine that there is no substance, person or creature in the world, nor is there any thought or problem left with it. We are alone in the vast waters of doomsday. In the form of a small child, he is lying on a leaf boat and is slowly flowing towards some unknown direction with the speed of the wind. All the problems and obstacles on the way have been eliminated.

3. If the fear of death goes away from the mind, then the thought of death gives a pleasant feeling. Under the concept of death, one has to feel that the body and mind are lying peacefully and inert in their original state. From which our life has gone out. To get rid of the tiredness of life, one has got the opportunity to sleep for a long time in such a beautiful environment where there is no hindrance of cold, heat, flies, mosquitoes, insects etc. All the questions, duties, responsibilities, worries and problems related to life have gone far away with the dead body. We have come to a new beautiful and gentle environment. Which is stress free everywhere. Where ultimate peace and happiness prevail.

If proper practice of relaxation is done for a short time every day, then both the body and mind become accustomed to that process. As a result, sleep that eliminates stress and fatigue can be induced at will. Regular practice of relaxation not only relieves stress but also brings natural happiness to the mind in daily life.


Practice of asanas done after relaxation gives proper success in the path of yoga. From the health point of view, asanas have a prominent place in yogic medicine. If the disease

If suitable asanas are selected and used properly, then proper success is achieved in yoga research. Shalabh has told in the book titled Alternative Medicine that by practicing Asanas, blood circulation in the body gets faster and physical and mental health gets balanced. Practice of Asanas strengthens the digestive system and balances and controls the digestive process. The entire body is operated through the Nadi Sutras and the brain. To keep both of these dynamic, it is necessary to practice asanas daily. According to Shalabh, regular practice of Suryanamaskar, Janushirasana, Suptavajasana, Sarvangasana, Makarasana, Pawan Muktasana and Halasana provides relief from stress. Pro. Ramharsh Singh has told in the book titled 'Yoga and Yogic Medicine' that in the asanas of Hatha Yoga, the body is kept in different types of positions in such a way that the body's respiratory organs and endocrine glands function better than before and the body and mind are maintained. Can make you healthy. The process of Yogasanas is very effective and effortless, through which along with physical and mental development, secondary objectives of Yoga practice like prevention of old age and disease are achieved. The range of asanas in yogic practices is very wide and extensive. These include such asanas which provide physical and mental relaxation. Therefore, asanas are also practiced to come out of conflictual situations like mental stress. Keeping in mind the various methods of asanas and their effects, Prof. Ramharsh Singh has prescribed three categories of asanas. It includes categories of body enhancing, relaxing and meditative asanas.

Through enriching asanas the body becomes strong, strong and full of vitality. The body thus developed can be kept in a stable and comfortable position during higher practices such as meditation. Matsyendrasana, Dhanurasana, Paschimottanasana, Matsyasana and Gomukhasana etc. are examples of major enhancing asanas. Shavasana and Makarasana are included in the relaxation asanas. Through which complete physical relaxation and mental relaxation can be achieved. Padmasana, Swastikasana, Siddhasana and Sukhasana come under meditative asanas. In these asanas, by keeping the body stable, higher yogic processes like pranayama, dharana and meditation etc. are practiced. In fact, the aim of practicing all the restorative asanas and restorative asanas is to achieve stability in meditative asanas, through which the mind and brain develop and the consciousness gets expanded.

The changing circumstances of modern society are enough to cause stress to humans. The mind suffering from stress easily becomes restless and unstable. A disturbed mind cannot attain happiness. A stressed mind also makes the body sick. The various types of stress-related physical diseases prevalent in modern society have arisen in this manner. In the treatment of psychosomatic diseases, body enhancing asanas are used to strengthen and strengthen the body, for which Surya Namaskar, Simhasana, Veerasana, Pandasana, Paschimottanasana, Matsyendrasana, Utkatasana, Shalabhasana, Matsyasana, Kurmasana, Garudasana, Gomukhasana and Gujendrasana are the results of long term practice. Due to this, the functioning of the body's heart, lungs, etc. and long-term circulation muscles of Gujangasana should be balanced.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Breakfast is a curse

 Breakfast is a curse

My dear friends, many doctors in the western countries have proved that the body does not need breakfast. Breakfast is a curse for your health.

Breakfast is a curse, Giving up breakfast A boon for students , Benefits to intellectuals by giving up breakfast,

Dr. Paul C. Bag looked like a full grown man at the age of 10 and at such a long age he took up horse riding and mountaineering. He takes a bath in the sea every day. He fasts for 24 to 36 hours a week and four times a year, in which each fast is from one week to ten days. Thus, he fasts for 90-100 days in a year. In the remaining days, he mostly eats fruits and salads and a small amount of food, that too 4-5 times a week.

Breakfast is a curse

Dr. Bag is against breakfast. He says. I believe that we do not use the energy we get after sleeping at night properly. We do a grave injustice to it. We use this divine energy in digesting breakfast.  The physical, mental or spiritual energy gained while sleeping at night is very valuable in the morning and can be utilized to accomplish great tasks.

Giving up breakfast

A boon for students

I have conducted experim

ents on students from primary to post graduates. I found that students who studied in the morning on an empty stomach progressed rapidly and gained the best knowledge and information. Students who ate very light and liquid food during the day and had a full meal at night, slept well immediately after eating. After sleeping soundly, when they wake up in the morning, they are full of energy and agility. I have propagated this method among thousands of students across the world and they have benefited greatly from it.

Benefits to intellectuals by giving up breakfast

By adopting this method, the efficiency of work of musicians, artists, writers and craftsmen has increased. After having breakfast, the brain becomes lethargic and weak because the energy of the body is engaged in digestion from the morning itself. We have to understand this fact very well.

Some people say that breakfast is very necessary and they justify their opinion by arguing that after breakfast they are filled with energy, with the help of which they work throughout the day.  But this belief is completely wrong and unscientific. There may be mental satisfaction after having a full stomach with breakfast but gaining strength is just an illusion. The question is from where and how did those people get the strength? The food eaten takes a lot of time to digest and after going through many processes, finally it reaches the body's cells.

Morning time is fixed by nature for cleaning the body. Hence nothing should be eaten at this time.

Friday, June 14, 2024

The benefits and harms of milk

 The benefits and harms of milk

The benefits and harms of milk,Benefits of milk , harms of milk, characters of milk, qualities of milk.

My dear friends

When a child is born, the mother's milk comes. There is a life force inside that gives milk as soon as the child is born. Remember, this milk is produced by the glands at that time, it is not stored. When the child grows up, that is, when his teeth come out, then the glands of the mother's body do not produce milk. Can any person in the world say that stopping of milk is a disease of the mother or that the life force, which is a part of the soul or the Supreme Soul, is a fool who has stopped giving milk? Stopping of milk is not a disease of the mother because milk will come again when the next child is born. Whenever children are born, milk will come and then it will stop, that is, stopping of milk is neither the mother's disease nor the foolishness of the life force. This is a direct proof that the body no longer needs milk.

Who drinks milk in the animal world except dogs and cats? And the stool of both of them is extremely rotten and smelly.

 When an animal's baby grows up, it also stops drinking its mother's milk even though its mother is still producing milk. A human's mother's milk has stopped, but still he is drinking the milk of other mothers.

Cow's milk has 8 times more protein than human's milk because a cow's body turns into a cow or a bull in three years, while a human's body fully develops in 25 years. That means a cow's body grows 8 times more than a human's body. That's why it has 8 times more protein. The question arises that when growth stops after 25 years, then why a thing that increases 8 times?

In the scriptures, Lord Rama neither reared a cow nor drank milk even after living in the forest for 14 years. If drinking milk was so important, then a cow could have been reared in the forest. At least Janaki and Lakshman could have served the cow. Kol Bhils also gave only tubers and sprouted food. At that time, they had completely abandoned salt, sugar, milk and cooked grains. Many types of dishes were made in Ayodhya, but there is no mention of milk. Shri Krishna also took milk in his childhood. There is no mention of milk in Dwarka. Milk is considered a complete diet. That is why God has given mother's milk so that the child can get complete diet. Milk will be beneficial for those who do more physical labor like farmers and laborers, whose cells are more broken. The body is formed till the age of 25. Till then milk can be drunk, but after 25 years, milk will be harmful for those who do not do hard work. If according to Ayurveda, evening milk has been mentioned, then it is good for those who work hard.  Especially when there are no other nutritious foods. Who would have thought that man would develop thousands of types of foods even if they are artificial and eat them under the pretext of taste? Then it is not right to demand milk at such a time.

The answer given by medical science that milk contains calcium is ridiculous. Every food material has something or the other which is beneficial for the body. Even animals have bones. Their bodies are built by eating grass. Why can't our bodies be built by eating different types of tasty dishes? Has medical science ever thought that how much calcium is lacking in whose body and how much milk will fulfil that deficiency?

The truth is that medical science thinks that milk has calories and it will give strength. This calorie theory is also completely misleading and untrue. Grass has almost zero calories. A cow eats grass and walks 4 kilometers carrying 4 quintals of weight and gives 15-20 liters of milk which according to medical science has thousands of calories. Then how are so many calories generated from zero input?

According to scriptures, neither grass nor milk has calories. The milk that was mentioned in the evening was for the hardworking people and for them also at the end of the day; so that the wear and tear of the cells can be repaired.

We have thousands of sadhaks who have given up milk, their bones have started becoming stronger and joints have started working because the life force has removed the excess calcium through many ways.

The source of strength is the soul itself. The body gets charged in deep sleep. Therefore, neither there is a need to eat in the morning nor is there a need for milk.

A chemical called 'casein' is found in milk. It has a great sticking capacity.  Wood product manufacturers in America use it to glue wood. It is a matter of concern that how much it will stick to the body, proof of which is the stickiness of mucus.

A special chemical is found in the milk of a pregnant cow which is responsible for breast cancer in women.

Nature is providing fruits, vegetables and grains of different shapes, colors, sizes and tastes. The tongue ruins health by giving greed for food. With increasing age, the less milk and milk products are consumed, the better will be the health and the body will be disease-free.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

How to Do Meditation, precautions and benefits

How to Do Meditation, precautions and benefits, benefits of meditation, precautions in meditation, procedure of meditation.

What is Meditation  

The state of continuous flow of divine sound consciousness is called meditation. In this state the mind remains away from all worldly thoughts and options. Divine power and divine thoughts always remain present in the mind.

The seventh step of yoga is meditation. What yogis call meditation, knowledgeable people call it Nididhyasana and devotees call it bhajan.

How to do meditation

Sit in Sukhasana, Padmasana or Siddhasana in a secluded place. While contemplating on Sakar Brahma, recite stotras and shlokas for ten minutes. This will elevate the mind. Take your mind off the subjects. Now the mind will become calm, concentrated, pure and subtle. Meditate on the eternal soul through this trained and disciplined mind. Do not allow any other thought to enter your mind. Try for this again and again, then the mind will gradually become God-oriented. When meditation becomes serious and steady, then it will become easy and natural. You will ultimately be situated in Brahman.

What happens in meditation

In meditation the mind starts moving towards spiritual consciousness. Thoughts become quiet. Only the thought of 'Aham Brahmasmi' remains. When this thought also disappears, then the state of effortless non-duality i.e. Nirvikalpa Samadhi is achieved and the mind gets absorbed in Brahma.

some useful instructions for meditation

Brahma is pure, hence to meditate on Brahma your mind should be pure. Purify the mind through pranayama, chanting, service and charity.

To achieve success in meditation, it is necessary to live in a virtuous environment. Stay at satvik places, eat only satvik food, speak only satvik words and give importance to satvik thoughts only.

Apart from this, it is also necessary to keep the mind free from worries. For this, go into solitude sometimes and stop your activities.

It is better to practice meditation in Brahma muhurta. It is necessary to practice meditation at fixed time and regularly. With this your mindset will easily become conducive to meditation.

Do not let your eyes and brain get stressed during meditation.

,Don't fight with the mind. To tame it, let it do whatever it wants for a short period of time. Then it will tire itself due to its agility.

,Keep developing renunciation and satvik qualities like patience, constant endeavor, kindness, love, forgiveness and purity in yourself every day, because these qualities are helpful in the practice of meditation.

Reasons for failure in meditation

If a meditator contemplates divine thoughts for ten minutes and then gets engrossed in worldly thoughts for ten minutes, he will never be able to attain divine consciousness. Remain absorbed only in contemplation of divine thoughts. Then you will definitely attain God realization.

meditation and action

There should be a balance between meditation and action. Meditate and also perform actions as per the scriptures. Whenever you get the opportunity, after completing your work, stay in solitude with detachment and meditate. This is the state of balance.

benefits of meditation

Meditation works as a powerful medicine. In the state of meditation, the divine power emanating from the feet of the Lord keeps flowing towards the seeker. As a result of meditating in Brahma muhurta, the mind remains calm throughout the day, the mind becomes free from distractions and all the functions of the body get filled with divine and spiritual thought waves.

Pure thoughts are acquired through meditation. All your doubts are eliminated. Then you yourself know where to take the next step on the spiritual ladder. A mysterious inner voice starts guiding you.

Reaching the pinnacle of knowledge of one's nature, attaining the consciousness of the ultimate truth and merging of living consciousness into universal soul-consciousness is realization or self-realization.

Completely transforming one's animal nature, transcending human nature and awakening latent powers - this is the process of realization. Realization is achieved through moral development, self-analysis, self-purification, meditation, selfless love and service to living beings, right speech and right conduct.

interview through meditation

By practicing meditation, all the instincts dissolve. Then the soul appears automatically. This is the situation of interview or self-realization.

Pratibhagyan is the only means of interviewing. Thinking and meditating on 'Who am I' opens the doors to epiphany.

If you continuously meditate on the soul with a pure heart, you can attain salvation or bliss.

Conscious mental repetition of a single thought-point is meditation. When this process of the seeker is completed then he enters that state in which the meditator and the goal become one. This is the stage of interview.

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